Footnote 1:
[This charter, granted by King James I. on April 10, 1606, to
the oldest of the English colonies in America, is a typical
example of the documents issued by the British government,
authorizing "Adventurers" to establish plantations in the New
world. The name "Virginia" was at that time applied to all that
part of North America claimed by Great Britain.]
I JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France
and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and
well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers,
Knights, Richard Hackluit, Prebendary of Westminster, and
Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, and Ralegh Gilbert, Esqrs.
William Parker, and George Popham, Gentlemen, and divers others
of our loving Subjects, have been humble Suitors unto us, that
We would vouchsafe unto them our License (authors footnote:
remember a license granted by the king is a privilege), to make
Habitation, Plantation, and to deduce a Colony of sundry of our
People into that Part of America, commonly called VIRGINIA, and
other Parts and Territories in America, either appertaining unto
us, or which are not now actually possessed by any Christian
Prince or People, situate, lying, and being all along the Sea
Coasts, between four and thirty Degrees of Northerly Latitude
from the Equinoctial Line, and five and forty Degrees of the
same Latitude, and in the main Land between the same four and
thirty and five and forty Degrees, and the Islands thereunto
adjacent, or within one hundred Miles of the Coasts thereof;
II. And to that End, and for the more speedy Accomplishment of
their said intended Plantation and Habitation there, are
desirous to divide themselves into two several Colonies and
Companies; The one consisting of certain Knights, Gentlemen,
Merchants, and other Adventurers, of our City of London and
elsewhere, which are, and from time to time shall be, joined
unto them, which do desire to begin their Plantation and
Habitation in some fit and convenient Place, between four and
thirty and one and forty Degrees of the said Latitude, along the
Coasts of Virginia and Coasts of America aforesaid; And the
other consisting of sundry Knights, Gentlemen, Merchants, and
other Adventurers, of our Cities of Bristol and Exeter, and of
our Town of Plimouth, and of other Places, which do join
themselves unto that Colony, which do desire to begin their
Plantation and Habitation in some fit and convenient Place,
between eight and thirty Degrees and five and forty Degrees of
the said Latitude, all alongst the said Coast of Virginia and
America, as that Coast lyeth:
III. We, greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their
Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by
the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory of
his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such
People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the
true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the
Infidels and Savages, living in those Parts, to human Civility,
and to a settled and quiet Government; DO, by these our Letters
Patents, graciously accept of, and agree to, their humble and
well-intended Desires;
IV. And do therefore, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, GRANT
and agree, that the said Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers,
Richard Hackluit, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Adventurers of and
for our City of London, and all such others, as are, or shall
be, joined unto them of that Colony, shall be called the first
Colony; And they shall and may begin their said first Plantation
and Habitation, at any Place upon the said Coast of Virginia or
America, where they shall think fit and convenient, between the
said four and thirty and one and forty Degrees of the said
Latitude; And that they shall have all the Lands, Woods, Soil,
Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Mines, Minerals, Marshes,
Waters, Fishings, Commodities, and Hereditaments, whatsoever,
from the said first Seat of their Plantation and Habitation by
the Space of fifty Miles of English Statute Measure, all along
the said Coast of Virginia and America, towards the West and
South west, as the Coast lyeth, with all the Islands within one
hundred Miles directly over against the same Sea Coast; And also
all the Lands, Soil, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Mines,
Minerals, Woods, Waters, Marshes, Fishings, Commodities, and
Hereditaments, whatsoever, from the said Place of their first
Plantation and Habitation for the space of fifty like English
Miles all alongst the said Coast of Virginia and America,
towards the East and Northeast, or towards the North, as the
Coast lyeth, together with all the Islands within one hundred
Miles, directly over against the said Sea Coast; And also all
the Lands, Woods, Soil, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Mines,
Minerals, Marshes,Waters, Fishings, Commodities, and
Hereditaments, whatsoever, from the same fifty Miles every way
on the Sea Coast, directly into the main Land by the Space of
one hundred like English Miles; And shall and may inhabit and
remain there; and shall and may also build and fortify within
any the same, for their better Safeguard and Defence, according
to their best Discretion, and the Discretion of the Council of
that Colony; And that no other of our Subjects shall be
permitted, or suffered, to plant or inhabit behind, or on the
Backside of them, towards the main Land, without the Express
License or Consent of the Council of that Colony, thereunto in
Writing first had and obtained.
V. And we do likewise, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, by
these Presents, GRANT and agree, that the said Thomas Hanham,
and Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham, and all
others of the Town of Plimouth in the County of Devon, or
else-where, which are, or shall be, joined unto them of that
Colony, shall be called the second Colony; And that they shall
and may begin their said Plantation and Seat of their first
Abode and Habitation, at any Place upon the said Coast of
Virginia and America, where they shall think fit and convenient,
between eight and thirty Degrees of the said Latitude, and five
and forty Degrees of the same Latitude; And that they shall have
all the Lands, Soils, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Mines,
Minerals, Woods, Marshes, Waters, Fishings, Commodities, and
Hereditaments, whatsoever from the first Seat of their
Plantation and Habitation by the Space of fifty like English
Miles as is aforesaid, all alongst the said Coast of Virginia
and America, towards the West and Southwest, or towards the
South, as the Coast lyeth, and all the Islands within one
hundred Miles, directly over against the said Sea Coast; And
also all the Lands, Soils, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers,
Mines, Minerals, Woods, Marshes, Waters, Fishings, Commodities,
and Hereditaments, whatsoever, from the said Place of their
first Plantation and Habitation for the Space of fifty like
Miles, all amongst the said Coast of Virginia and America,
towards the East and Northeast, or towards the North, as the
Coast lyeth, and all the Islands also within one hundred Miles
directly over against the same Sea Coast; And also all the
Lands, Soils, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Woods, Mines,
Minerals, Marshes, Waters, Fishings, Commodities, and
Hereditaments, whatsoever, from the same fifty Miles every way
on the Sea Coast, directly into the main Land, by the Space of
one hundred like English Miles; And shall and may inhabit and
remain there; and shall and may also build and fortify within
any the same for their better Safeguard, according to their best
Discretion, and the Discretion of the Council of that Colony;
And that none of our Subjects shall be permitted, or suffered,
to plant or inhabit behind, or on the back of them, towards the
main Land, without the express License of the Council of that
Colony, in Writing thereunto first had and obtained.
VI. Provided always, and our Will and Pleasure herein is, that
the Plantation and Habitation of such of the said Colonies, as
shall last plant themselves, as aforesaid, shall not be made
within one hundred like English Miles of the other of them, that
first began to make their Plantation, as aforesaid.
VII. And we do also ordain, establish, and agree, for Us, our
Heirs, and Successors, that each of the said Colonies shall have
a Council, which shall govern and order all Matters and Causes,
which shall arise, grow, or happen, to or within the same
several Colonies, according to such Laws, Ordinances, and
Instructions, as shall be, in that behalf, given and signed with
Our Hand or Sign Manual, and pass under the Privy Seal of our
Realm of England; Each of which Councils shall consist of
thirteen Persons, to be ordained, made, and removed, from time
to time, according as shall be directed, and comprised in the
same instructions; And shall have a several Seal, for all
Matters that shall pass or concern the same several Councils;
Each of which Seals shall have the King's Arms engraven on the
one Side thereof, and his Portraiture on the other And that the
Seal for the Council of the said first Colony shall have
engraven round about, on the one side, these Words; Sigillum
Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae; on the other
Side this Inscription, round about; Pro Concilio primae Coloniae
Virginiae. And the seal for the Council of the said second
Colony shall also have engraven, round about the one Side
thereof, the aforesaid Words; Sigillum Regis Magnae, Britanniae,
Franciae, & Hiberniae; and on the other Side; Pro Concilio
secundae Coloniae Virginiae:
VIII. And that also there shall be a Council established here in
England, which shall, in like Manner, consist of thirteen
Persons, to be, for that Purpose, appointed by Us, our Heirs and
Successors, which shall be called our Council of Virginia; And
shall, from time to time, have the superior Managing and
Direction, only of and for all Matters, that shall or may
concern the Government, as well of the said several Colonies, as
of and for any other Part or Place, within the aforesaid
Precincts of four and thirty and five and forty Degrees,
above-mentioned; Which Council shall, in like manner, have a
Seal, for Matters concerning the Council of Colonies, with the
like Arms and Portraiture, as aforesaid, with this Inscription,
engraven round about on the one Side; Sigillum Regis Magnae
Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae; and round about the other
side, Pro Concilio suo Virginiae.
IX. And moreover, we do GRANT and agree, for Us, our Heirs and
Successors, that the said several Councils, of and for the said
several Colonies, shall and lawfully may, by Virtue hereof, from
time to time, without any Interruption of Us, our Heirs, or
Successors, give and take Order, to dig, mine, and search for
all Manner of Mines of Gold, Silver, and Copper, as well within
any part of their said several Colonies, as for the said main
Lands on the Back-side of the same Colonies; And to Have and
enjoy the Gold, Silver, and Copper, to be gotten thereof, to the
Use and Behoof of the same Colonies, and the Plantations
thereof; YIELDING therefore, to Us, our Heirs and Successors,
the fifth Part only of all the same Gold and Silver, and the
fifteenth Part of all the same Copper, so to be gotten or had,
as is aforesaid, without any other Manner or Profit or Account,
to be given or yielded to Us, our Heirs, or Successors, for or
in Respect of the same:
X. And that they shall, or lawfully may, establish and cause to
be made a Coin, to pass current there between the People of
those several Colonies, for the more Ease of Traffick and
Bargaining between and amongst them and the Natives there, of
such Metal, and in such Manner and Form, as the said several
Councils there shall limit and appoint.
XI. And we do likewise, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, by
these Presents, give full Power and Authority to the said Sir
Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluit, Edward-Maria
Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and
George Popham, and to every of them, and to the said several
Companies, Plantations, and Colonies, that they, and every of
them, shall and may, at all and every time and times hereafter,
have, take, and lead in the said Voyage, and for and towards the
said several Plantations and Colonies, and to travel
thitherward, and to abide and inhabit there, in every the said
Colonies and Plantations, such and so many of our Subjects, as
shall willingly accompany them, or any of them, in the said
Voyages and Plantations; With sufficient Shipping and Furniture
of Armour, Weapons, Ordinance, Powder, Victual, and all other
things, necessary for the said Plantations, and for their Use
and Defence there: PROVIDED always, that none of the said
Persons be such, as shall hereafter be specially restrained by
Us, our Heirs, or Successors.
XII. Moreover, we do, by these Presents, for Us, our Heirs, and
Successors, GIVE AND GRANT License unto the said Sir Thomas
Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluit, Edward-Maria
Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and
George Popham, and to every of the said Colonies, that they, and
every of them, shall and may, from time to time, and at all
times for ever hereafter, for their several Defences, encounter,
expulse, repel, and resist, as well by Sea as by Land, by all
Ways and Means whatsoever, all and every such Person and
Persons, as without the especial License of the said several
Colonies and Plantations, shall attempt to inhabit within the
said several Precincts and Limits of the said several Colonies
and Plantations, or any of them, or that shall enterprise or
attempt, at any time hereafter, the Hurt, Detriment, or
Annoyance, of the said several Colonies or Plantations.
XIII. Giving and granting, by these Presents, unto the said Sir
Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluit, Edward-Maria
Wingfield, and their Associates of the said first Colony, and
unto the said Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and
George Popham, and their Associates of the said second Colony,
and to every of them, from time to time, and at all times for
ever hereafter, Power and Authority to take and surprise, by all
Ways and Means whatsoever, all and every Person and Persons,
with their Ships, Vessels, Goods and other Furniture, which
shall be found trafficking, into any Harbour or Harbours, Creek
or Creeks, or Place, within the Limits or Precincts of the said
several Colonies and Plantations, not being of the same Colony,
until such time, as they, being of any Realms or Dominions under
our Obedience, shall pay, or agree to pay, to the Hands of the
Treasurer of that Colony, within whose Limits and Precincts they
shall so traffick, two and a half upon every Hundred, of any
thing, so by them trafficked, bought, or sold; And being
Strangers, and not Subjects under our Obeysance, until they
shall pay five upon every Hundred, of such Wares and
Merchandise, as they shall traffick, buy, or sell, within the
Precincts of the said several Colonies, wherein they shall so
traffick, buy, or sell, as aforesaid, WHICH Sums of Money, or
Benefit, as aforesaid, for and during the Space of one and
twenty Years, next ensuing the Date hereof, shall be wholly
emploied to the Use, Benefit, and Behoof of the said several
Plantations, where such Traffick shall be made; And after the
said one and twenty Years ended, the same shall be taken to the
Use of Us, our Heirs, and Successors, by such Officers and
Ministers, as by Us, our Heirs, and Successors, shall be
thereunto assigned or appointed.
XIV. And we do further, by these Presents, for Us, our Heirs,
and Successors, GIVE AND GRANT unto the said Sir Thomas Gates,
Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluit, and Edward-Maria Wingfield,
and to their Associates of the said first Colony and Plantation,
and to the said Thomas Hanham, Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker,
and George Popham, and their Associates of the said second
Colony and Plantation, that they, and every of them, by their
Deputies, Ministers and Factors, may transport the Goods,
Chattels, Armour, Munition, and Furniture, needful to be used by
them, for their said Apparel, Food, Defence, or otherwise in
Respect of the said Plantations, out of our Realms of England
and Ireland, and all other our Dominions, from time to time, for
and during the Time of seven Years, next ensuing the Date
hereof, for the better Relief of the said several Colonies and
Plantations, without any Custom, Subsidy, or other Duty, unto
Us, our Heirs, or Successors, to be yielded or paid for the
XV. Also we do, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, DECLARE, by
these Presents, that all and every the Persons, being our
Subjects, which shall dwell and inhabit within every or any of
the said several Colonies and Plantations, and every of their
children, which shall happen to be born within any of the Limits
and Precincts of the said several Colonies and Plantations,
shall HAVE and enjoy all Liberties, Franchises, and Immunities,
within any of our other Dominions, to all Intents and Purposes,
as if they had been abiding and born, within this our Realm of
England, or any other of our said Dominions.
XVI. Moreover, our gracious Will and Pleasure is, and we do, by
these Presents, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, declare and
set forth, that if any Person or Persons, which shall be of any
of the said Colonies and Plantations, or any other, which shall
traffick to the said Colonies and Plantations, or any of them,
shall, at any time or times hereafter, transport any Wares,
Merchandises, or Commodities, out of any of our Dominions, with
a Pretence to land, sell, or otherwise dispose of the same,
within any the Limits and Precincts of any the said Colonies and
Plantations, and yet nevertheless, being at Sea, or after he
hath landed the same within any of the said Colonies and
Plantations, shall carry the same into any other Foreign
Country, with a Purpose there to sell or dispose of the same,
without the License of Us, our Heirs, and Successors, in that
Behalf first had and obtained; That then, all the Goods and
Chattels of such Person or Persons, so offending and
transporting, together with the said Ship or Vessel, wherein
such Transportation was made, shall be forfeited to Us, our
Heirs, and Successors.
XVII. Provided always, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do
hereby declare to all Christian Kings, Princes, and States, that
if any Person or Persons, which shall hereafter be of any of the
said several Colonies and Plantations, or any other, by his,
their or any of their License and Appointment, shall, at any
time or times hereafter, rob or spoil, by Sea or by Land, or do
any Act of unjust and unlawful Hostility, to any the Subjects of
Us, our Heirs, or Successors, or any the Subjects of any King,
Prince, Ruler, Governor, or State, being then in League or Amity
with Us, our Heirs, or Successors, and that upon such Injury, or
upon just Complaint of such Prince, Ruler, Governor, or State,
or their Subjects, We, our Heirs, or Successors, shall make open
Proclamation, within any of the Ports of our Realm of England,
commodious for that Purpose, That the said Person or Persons,
having committed any such Robbery or Spoil, shall, within the
Term to be limited by such Proclamations make full Restitution
or Satisfaction of all such Injuries done, so as the said
Princes, or others, so complaining, may hold themselves fully
satisfied and contented; And that, if the said Person or
Persons, having committed such Robbery or Spoil, shall not make,
or cause to be made, Satisfaction accordingly, within such Time
so to be limited, That then it shall be lawful to Us, our Heirs,
and Successors, to put the said Person or Persons, having
committed such Robbery or Spoil, and their Procurers, Abetters,
or Comforters, out of our Allegiance and Protection; And that it
shall be lawful and free, for all Princes and others, to pursue
with Hostility the said Offenders, and every of them, and their
and every of their Procurers, Aiders, Abetters, and Comforters,
in that Behalf.
XVIII. And finally, we do, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors,
GRANT and agree, to and with the said Sir Thomas Gates, Sir
George Somers, Richard Hackluit, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, and
all others of the said first Colony, that We, our Heirs, and
Successors, upon Petition in that Behalf to be made, shall, by
Letters-patent under the Great Seal of England, GIVE and GRANT
unto such Persons, their Heirs, and Assigns, as the Council of
that Colony, or the most Part of them, shall, for that Purpose
nominate and assign, all the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments,
which shall be within the Precincts limited for that Colony, as
is aforesaid, TO BE HOLDEN OF US, our Heirs, and Successors, as
of our Manor at East-Greenwich in the County of Kent, in free
and common Soccage only, and not in Capite:
XIX. And do, in like Manner, Grant and Agree, for Us, our Heirs,
and Successors, to and with the said Thomas Hanham, Ralegh
Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham, and all others of
the said second Colony, That We, our Heirs, and Successors, upon
Petition in that Behalf to be made, shall, by Letters-patent
under the Great Seal of England, GIVE and GRANT unto such
Persons, their Heirs, and Assigns, as the Council of that
Colony, or the most Part of them, shall, for that Purpose,
nominate and assign, all the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments,
which shall be within the Precincts limited for that Colony, as
is aforesaid TO BE HOLDEN OF US, our Heirs, and Successors, as
of our Manour of East-Greenwich in the County of Kent, in free
and common Soccage only, and not in Capite.
XX. All which Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, so to be
passed by the said several Letters-patent, shall be sufficient
Assurance from the said Patentees, so distributed and divided
amongst the Undertakers for the Plantation of the said several
Colonies, and such as shall make their Plantations in either of
the said several Colonies, in such Manner and Form, and for such
Estates, as shall be ordered and set down by the Council of the
said Colony, or the most Part of them, respectively, within
which the same Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments shall lye or
be; Although express Mention of the true yearly Value or
Certainty of the Premises, or any of them, or of any other Gifts
or Grants, by Us or any of our Progenitors or Predecessors, to
the aforesaid Sir Thomas Gates, Knt. Sir George Somers, Knt.
Richard Hackluit, Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, Ralegh
Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham, or any of them,
heretofore made, in these Presents, is not made; Or any Statute,
Act, Ordinance, or Provision, Proclamation, or Restraint, to the
contrary hereof had, made, ordained, or any other Thing, Cause,
or Matter whatsoever, in any wise notwithstanding. In Witness
whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents;
Witness Ourself at Westminster, the tenth Day of April, in the
fourth Year of our Reign of England, France, and Ireland, and of
Scotland the nine and thirtieth.
Footnote 2:
In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.
It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of
the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the
grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland,
defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg,
arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc.,
and of the United States of America, to forget all past
misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily
interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they
mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and
satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the
ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may
promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; and
having for this desirable end already laid the foundation of
peace and reconciliation by the Provisional Articles signed at
Paris on the 30th of November 1782, by the commissioners
empowered on each part, which articles were agreed to be
inserted in and constitute the Treaty of Peace proposed to be
concluded between the Crown of Great Britain and the said United
States, but which Treaty was not to be concluded until terms of
peace should be agreed upon between Great Britain and France and
his Britannic Majesty should be ready to conclude such Treaty
accordingly; and the Treaty between Great Britain and France
having since been concluded, his Britannic Majesty and the
United States of America, in order to carry into full effect the
Provisional Articles above mentioned, according to the tenor
thereof, have constituted and appointed, that is to say his
Britannic Majesty on his part, David Hartley, Esqr., member of
the Parliament of Great Britain, and the said United States on
their part, John Adams, Esqr., late a commissioner of the United
States of America at the court of Versailles, late delegate in
Congress from the state of Massachusetts, and chief justice of
the said state, and minister plenipotentiary of the said United
States to their high mightinesses the States General of the
United Netherlands; Benjamin Franklin, Esqr., late delegate in
Congress from the state of Pennsylvania, president of the
convention of the said state, and minister plenipotentiary from
the United States of America at the court of Versailles; John
Jay, Esqr., late president of Congress and chief justice of the
state of New York, and minister plenipotentiary from the said
United States at the court of Madrid; to be plenipotentiaries
for the concluding and signing the present definitive Treaty;
who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full
powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.
Article 1:
His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz.,
New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence
Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia,
to be free sovereign and independent states, that he treats with
them as such, and for himself, his heirs, and successors,
relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and
territorial rights of the same and every part thereof.
Article 2:
And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject
of the boundaries of the said United States may be prevented, it
is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are and shall
be their boundaries, viz.; from the northwest angle of Nova
Scotia, viz., that nagle which is formed by a line drawn due
north from the source of St. Croix River to the highlands; along
the said highlands which divide those rivers that empty
themselves into the river St. Lawrence, from those which fall
into the Atlantic Ocean, to the northwesternmost head of
Connecticut River; thence down along the middle of that river to
the forty-fifth degree of north latitude; from thence by a line
due west on said latitude until it strikes the river Iroquois or
Cataraquy; thence along the middle of said river into Lake
Ontario; through the middle of said lake until it strikes the
communication by water between that lake and Lake Erie; thence
along the middle of said communication into Lake Erie, through
the middle of said lake until it arrives at the water
communication between that lake and Lake Huron; thence along the
middle of said water communication into Lake Huron, thence
through the middle of said lake to the water communication
between that lake and Lake Superior; thence through Lake
Superior northward of the Isles Royal and Phelipeaux to the Long
Lake; thence through the middle of said Long Lake and the water
communication between it and the Lake of the Woods, to the said
Lake of the Woods; thence through the said lake to the most
northwesternmost point thereof, and from thence on a due west
course to the river Mississippi; thence by a line to be drawn
along the middle of the said river Mississippi until it shall
intersect the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of
north latitude, South, by a line to be drawn due east from the
determination of the line last mentioned in the latitude of
thirty-one degrees of the equator, to the middle of the river
Apalachicola or Catahouche; thence along the middle thereof to
its junction with the Flint River, thence straight to the head
of Saint Mary's River; and thence down along the middle of Saint
Mary's River to the Atlantic Ocean; east, by a line to be drawn
along the middle of the river Saint Croix, from its mouth in the
Bay of Fundy to its source, and from its source directly north
to the aforesaid highlands which divide the rivers that fall
into the Atlantic Ocean from those which fall into the river
Saint Lawrence; comprehending all islands within twenty leagues
of any part of the shores of the United States, and lying
between lines to be drawn due east from the points where the
aforesaid boundaries between Nova Scotia on the one part and
East Florida on the other shall, respectively, touch the Bay of
Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean, excepting such islands as now are
or heretofore have been within the limits of the said province
of Nova Scotia.
Article 3:
It is agreed that the people of the United States shall continue
to enjoy unmolested the right to take fish of every kind on the
Grand Bank and on all the other banks of Newfoundland, also in
the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and at all other places in the sea,
where the inhabitants of both countries used at any time
heretofore to fish. And also that the inhabitants of the United
States shall have liberty to take fish of every kind on such
part of the coast of Newfoundland as British fishermen shall
use, (but not to dry or cure the same on that island) and also
on the coasts, bays and creeks of all other of his Brittanic
Majesty's dominions in America; and that the American fishermen
shall have liberty to dry and cure fish in any of the unsettled
bays, harbors, and creeks of Nova Scotia, Magdalen Islands, and
Labrador, so long as the same shall remain unsettled, but so
soon as the same or either of them shall be settled, it shall
not be lawful for the said fishermen to dry or cure fish at such
settlement without a previous agreement for that purpose with
the inhabitants, proprietors, or possessors of the ground.
Article 4:
It is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no
lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling
money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.
Article 5:
It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the
legislatures of the respective states to provide for the
restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have
been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of
the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in
districts in the possession on his Majesty's arms and who have
not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons
of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any
part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein
to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain
the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties
as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also
earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and
revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to
render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with
justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on
the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail.
And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several
states that the estates, rights, and properties, of such last
mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to
any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price
(where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on
purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since
the confiscation.
And it is agreed that all persons who have any interest in
confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or
otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the
prosecution of their just rights.
Article 6:
That there shall be no future confiscations made nor any
prosecutions commenced against any person or persons for, or by
reason of, the part which he or they may have taken in the
present war, and that no person shall on that account suffer any
future loss or damage, either in his person, liberty, or
property; and that those who may be in confinement on such
charges at the time of the ratification of the Treaty in America
shall be immediately set at liberty, and the prosecutions so
commenced be discontinued.
Article 7:
There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between his Brittanic
Majesty and the said states, and between the subjects of the one
and the citizens of the other, wherefore all hostilities both by
sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both
sides shall be set at liberty, and his Brittanic Majesty shall
with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction,
or carrying away any Negroes or other property of the American
inhabitants, withdraw all his armies, garrisons, and fleets from
the said United States, and from every post, place, and harbor
within the same; leaving in all fortifications, the American
artilery that may be therein; and shall also order and cause all
archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to any of the
said states, or their citizens, which in the course of the war
may have fallen into the hands of his officers, to be forthwith
restored and delivered to the proper states and persons to whom
they belong.
Article 8:
The navigation of the river Mississippi, from its source to the
ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of
Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.
Article 9:
In case it should so happen that any place or territory
belonging to Great Britain or to the United States should have
been conquered by the arms of either from the other before the
arrival of the said Provisional Articles in America, it is
agreed that the same shall be restored without difficulty and
without requiring any compensation.
Article 10:
The solemn ratifications of the present Treaty expedited in good
and due form shall be exchanged between the contracting parties
in the space of six months or sooner, if possible, to be
computed from the day of the signatures of the present Treaty.
In witness whereof we the undersigned, their ministers
plenipotentiary, have in their name and in virtue of our full
powers, signed with our hands the present definitive Treaty and
caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.
Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our
Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.
Source: United States, Department of State, "Treaties and Other
International Agreements of the United States of America,
1776-1949", vol 12, pp8-12
Footnote 3:
Settled between his Excellency General Washington,
Commander-in-Chief of the combined Forces of America and France;
his Excellency the Count de Rochambeau, Lieutenant-General of
the Armies of the King of France, Great Cross of the royal and
military Order of St. Louis, commanding the auxiliary troops of
his Most Christian Majesty in America; and his Excellency the
Count de Grasse, Lieutenant-General of the Naval Armies of his
Most Christian Majesty, Commander of the Order of St. Louis,
Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Army of France in the
Chesapeake, on the one Part; and the Right Honorable Earl
Cornwallis, Lieutenant-General of his Britannic Majesty's
Forces, commanding the Garrisons of York and Gloucester; and
Thomas Symonds, Esquire, commanding his Britannic Majesty's
Naval Forces in York River in Virginia, on the other Part.
Article I. The garrisons of York and Gloucester, including the
officers and seamen of his Britannic Majesty's ships, as well as
other mariners, to surrender themselves prisoners of war to the
combined forces of America and France. The land troops to remain
prisoners to the United States, the navy to the naval army of
his Most Christian Majesty.
Article II. The artillery, arms, accoutrements, military chest,
and public stores of every denomination, shall be delivered
unimpaired to the heads of departments appointed to receive
Article III. At twelve o'clock this day the two redoubts on the
left flank of York to be delivered, the one to a detachment of
American infantry, the other to a detachment of French
grenadiers. The garrison of York will march out to a place to be
appointed in front of the posts, at two o'clock precisely, with
shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beating a British or
German march. They are then to ground their arms, and return to
their encampments, where they will remain until they are
despatched to the places of their destination. Two works on the
Gloucester side will be delivered at one o'clock to a detachment
of French and American troops appointed to possess them. The
garrison will march out at three o'clock in the afternoon; the
cavalry with their swords drawn, trumpets sounding, and the
infantry in the manner prescribed for the garrison of York. They
are likewise to return to their encampments until they can be
finally marched off.
Article IV. Officers are to retain their side-arms. Both
officers and soldiers to keep their private property of every
kind; and no part of their baggage or papers to be at any time
subject to search or inspection. The baggage and papers of
officers and soldiers taken during the siege to be likewise
preserved for them. It is understood that any property obviously
belonging to the inhabitants of these States, in the possession
of the garrison, shall be subject to be reclaimed.
Article V. The soldiers to be kept in Virginia, Maryland, or
Pennsylvania, and as much by regiments as possible, and supplied
with the same rations of provisions as are allowed to soldiers
in the service of America. A field-officer from each nation, to
wit, British, Anspach, and Hessian, and other officers on
parole, in the proportion of one to fifty men to be allowed to
reside near their respective regiments, to visit them
frequently, and be witnesses of their treatment; and that their
officers may receive and deliver clothing and other necessaries
for them, for which passports are to be granted when applied
Article VI. The general, staff, and other officers not employed
as mentioned in the above articles, and who choose it, to be
permitted to go on parole to Europe, to New York, or to any
other American maritime posts at present in the possession of
the British forces, at their own option; and proper vessels to
be granted by the Count de Grasse to carry them under flags of
truce to New York within ten days from this date, if possible,
and they to reside in a district to be agreed upon hereafter,
until they embark. The officers of the civil department of the
army and navy to be included in this article. Passports to go by
land to be granted to those to whom vessels cannot be furnished.
Article VII. Officers to be allowed to keep soldiers as
servants, according to the common practice of the service.
Servants not soldiers are not to be considered as prisoners, and
are to be allowed to attend their masters.
Article VIII. The Bonetta sloop-of-war to be equipped, and
navigated by its present captain and crew, and left entirely at
the disposal of Lord Cornwallis from the hour that the
capitulation is signed, to receive an aid-de-camp to carry
despatches to Sir Henry Clinton; and such soldiers as he may
think proper to send to New York, to be permitted to sail
without examination. When his despatches are ready, his Lordship
engages on his part, that the ship shall be delivered to the
order of the Count de Grasse, if she escapes the dangers of the
sea. That she shall not carry off any public stores. Any part of
the crew that may be deficient on her return, and the soldiers
passengers, to be accounted for on her delivery.
Article X. The traders are to preserve their property, and to be
allowed three months to dispose of or remove them; and those
traders are not to be considered as prisoners of war. The
traders will be allowed to dispose of their effects, the allied
army having the right of preemption. The traders to be
considered as prisoners of war upon parole.
Article X. Natives or inhabitants of different parts of this
country, at present in York or Gloucester, are not to be
punished on account of having joined the British army. This
article cannot be assented to, being altogether of civil resort.
Article XI. Proper hospitals to be furnished for the sick and
wounded. They are to be attended by their own surgeons on
parole; and they are to be furnished with medicines and stores
from the American hospitals. The hospital stores now at York and
Gloucester shall be delivered for the use of the British sick
and wounded. Passports will be granted for procuring them
further supplies from New York, as occasion may require; and
proper hospitals will be furnished for the reception of the sick
and wounded of the two garrisons.
Article XII. Wagons to be furnished to carry the baggage of the
officers attending the soldiers, and to surgeons when travelling
on account of the sick, attending the hospitals at public
expense. They are to be furnished if possible.
Article XIII. The shipping and boats in the two harbours, with
all their stores, guns, tackling, and apparel, shall be
delivered up in their present state to an officer of the navy
appointed to take possession of them, previously unloading the
private property, part of which had been on board for security
during the siege.
Article XIV. No article of capitulation to be infringed on
pretence of reprisals; and if there be any doubtful expressions
in it, they are to be interpreted according to the common
meaning and acceptation of the words.
Done at Yorktown, in Virginia, October 19th, 178l.
Cornwallis, Thomas Symonds.
Done in the Trenches before Yorktown, in Virginia, October 19th,
George Washington, Le Comte de Rochambeau,
Le Comte de Barras, En mon nom & celui du Comte de Grasse.
Footnote 4:
Though the
debate on this subject was continued till two o'clock in the
morning, and though the opposition received additional strength,
yet the question was not carried. The same ground of argument
was soon gone over again, and the American war underwent, for
the fourth time since the beginning of the session, a full
discussion; but no resolution, disapproving its farther
prosecution, could yet obtain the assent of a majority of the
members. The advocates for peace becoming daily more numerous,
it was moved by Gen. Conway that "a humble address be presented
to his Majesty, that he will be pleased to give directions to
his ministers not to pursue any longer the impracticable object
of reducing his Majesty's revolted colonies by force to their
allegiance, by a war on the continent of America." This brought
forth a repetition of the former arguments on the subject, and
engaged the attention of the house till two o'clock in the
morning. On a division, the motion for the address was lost by a
single vote...
The ministry as well as the nation began to be sensible of the
impolicy of continental operations, but hoped that they might
gain their point, by prosecuting hostilities at sea. Every
opposition was therefore made by them against the total
dereliction (i.e., abandonment) of a war, on the success of
which they had so repeatedly pledged themselves, and on the
continuance of which they held their places. General Conway in
five days after (Feb. 27), brought forward another motion
expressed in different words, but to the same effect with that
which he had lost be a single vote. This caused a long debate
which lasted till two o'clock in the morning. It was then moved
to adjourn the debate till the 13th of March. There appeared for
the adjournment 215 and against it 234. The original motion, and
an address to the King formed upon the resolution were then
carried without division, and the address was ordered to be
presented by the whole house. To this his majesty answered,
"that in pursuance of their advice, he would take such measures
as should appear to him the most conducive to the restoration of
harmony, between Great Britain and the revolted colonies." The
thanks of the house were voted for this answer. But the guarded
language thereof, not inconsistent with farther hostilities
against America; together with other suspicious circumstances,
induced General Conway to move another resolution, expressed in
the most decisive language. This was to the following effect
that, "The house would consider as enemies to his majesty and
the country, all those who should advise or by any means attempt
the further prosecution of offensive war, on the continent of
North America, for the purpose of reducing the colonies to
obedience by force." This motion after a feeble opposition was
carried without a division, and put a period to all that
chicanery by which ministers meant to distinguish between a
prosecution of offensive war in North America, and a total
dereliction of it. This resolution and the preceding address, to
which it had reference, may be considered as the closing scene
of the American war (emphasis added).
The History of the American Revolution, Vol. 2, Ramsay, 617-9.
Footnote 5:
Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation Concluded November 19,
1794; ratification advised by the senate with amendment June 24,
1795; ratified by the President; ratifications exchanged October
28, 1795; proclaimed February 29, 1796.
I. Amity. Discrimination on vessels, imports, etc.
II. Withdrawal of forces; vessels, imports, etc. Consuls.
III. Commerce and navigation; duties. Capture or detention of
IV. Survey of the Mississippi. Contraband.
V. St. Croix River XIX. Officers passengers
VI. Indemnification by on neutrals. United States. XX. Pirates.
VII. Indemnification by Great XXI. Commission from foreign
Britain states.
VIII. Expenses. XXII. Reprisals.
IX. Land tenures. XXIII. Ships of war.
X. Private debts, etc. XXIV. Foreign privateers.
XI. Liberty of navigation XXV. Prizes. and commerce.
XXVI. Reciprocal treatment
XII. West India trade; duties. of citizens in war.
XIII. East India trade; duties. XXVII. Extradition.
XIV. Commerce and Navigation. XXVIII. Limitation of Article XII:
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, being
desirous, by a Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, to
terminate their difference in such a manner, as, without
reference to the merits of their respective complaints and
pretentions, may be the best calculated to produce mutual
satisfaction and good understanding; and also to regulate the
commerce and navigation between their respective countries,
territories and people, in such a manner as to render the same
reciprocally beneficial and satisfactory; they have,
respectively, named their Plenipotentiaries, and given them full
powers to treat of, and conclude the said Treaty, that is to
His Britannic Majesty has named for his Plenipotentiary, the
Right Honorable William Wyndham Baron Grenville of Wotton, one
of His Majesty's Privy Council, and His Majesty's Principal
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and the President of the
said United States, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate thereof, hath appointed for their Plenipotentiary, the
Honorable John Jay, Chief Justice of the said United States, and
their Envoy Extraordinary to His Majesty;
Who have agreed on and concluded the following articles:
There shall be a firm, inviolable and universal peace, and a
true and sincere friendship between His Britannic Majesty, his
heirs and successors, and the United States of America; and
between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns
and people of every degree, without exception of persons or
His Majesty will withdraw all his troops and garrisons from all
posts and places within the boundary lines assigned by the
Treaty of peace to the United States. This evacuation shall take
place on or before the first day of June, one thousand seven
hundred and ninety six, and all the proper measures shall in the
interval be taken by concert between the Government of the
United States and His Majesty's Governor-General in America for
settling the previous arrangements which may be necessary
respecting the delivery of the said posts: The United States in
the mean time, at their discretion, extending their settlements
to any part within the said boundary line, except within the
precincts or jurisdiction of any of the said posts. All settlers
and traders, within the precincts or jurisdiction of the said
posts, shall continue to enjoy, unmolested, all their property
of every kind, and shall be protected therein. They shall be at
full liberty to remain there, or to remove with all or any part
of their effects; and it shall also be free to them to sell
their lands, houses or effects, or to retain the property
thereof, at their discretion; such of them as shall continue to
reside within the said boundary lines, shall not be compelled to
become citizens of the United States, or to take any oath of
allegiance to the Government thereof; but they shall be at full
liberty so to do if they think proper, and they shall make and
declare their election within one year after the evacuation
aforesaid. And all persons who shall continue there after the
expiration of the said year, without having declared their
intention of remaining subjects of His Britannic Majesty, shall
be considered as having elected to become citizens of the United
It is agreed that it shall at all times be free to His Majesty's
subjects, and to the citizens of the United States, and also to
the Indians dwelling on either side of the said boundary line,
freely to pass and repass by land or inland navigation, into the
respective territories and countries of the two parties, on the
continent of America, (the country within the limits of the
Hudson's Bay Company only excepted.) and to navigate all the
lakes, rivers and waters thereof, and freely to carry on trade
and commerce with each other. But it is understood that this
article does not extend to the admission of vessels of the
United States into the seaports, harbours, bays or creeks of His
Majesty's said territories; nor into such parts of the rivers in
His Majesty's said territories as are between the mouth thereof,
and the highest port of entry from the sea, except in small
vessels trading bona fide between Montreal and Quebec, under
such regulations as shall be established to prevent the
possibility of any frauds in this respect. Nor to the admission
of British vessels from the sea into the rivers of the United
States, beyond the highest ports of entry for foreign vessels
from the sea. The river Mississippi shall, however, according to
the Treaty of peace, be entirely open to both parties; and it is
further agreed, that all the ports and places on its eastern
side, to whichsoever of the parties belonging, may freely be
resorted to and used by both parties, in as ample a manner as
any of the Atlantic ports or places of the United States, or any
of the ports or places of His Majesty in Great Britain.
All goods and merchandize whose importation into His Majesty's
said territories in America shall not be entirely prohibited,
may freely, for the purposes of commerce, be carried into the
same in the manner aforesaid, by the citizens of the United
States, and such goods and merchandize shall be subject to no
higher or other duties than would be payable by His Majesty's
subjects on the importation of the same from Europe into the
said territories. And in like manner all goods and merchandize
whose importation into the United States shall not be wholly
prohibited, may freely, for the purposes of commerce, be carried
into the same, in the manner aforesaid, by His Majesty's
subjects, and such goods and merchandize shall be subject to no
higher or other duties than would be payable by the citizens of
the United States on the importation of the same in American
vessels into the Atlantic ports of the said States. And all
goods not prohibited to be exported from the said territories
respectively, may in like manner be carried out of the same by
the two parties respectively, paying duty as aforesaid.
No duty of entry shall ever be levied by either party on
peltries brought by land or inland navigation into the said
territories respectively, nor shall the Indians passing or
repassing with their own proper goods and effects of whatever
nature, pay for the same any impost or duty whatever. But goods
in bales, or other large packages, unusual among Indians, shall
not be considered as goods belonging bona fide to Indians.
No higher or other tolls or rates of ferriage than what are or
shall be payable by natives, shall be demanded on either side;
and no duties shall be payable on any goods which shall merely
be carried over any of the portages or carrying places on either
side, for the purpose of being immediately reembarked and
carried to some other place or places. But as by this
stipulation it is only meant to secure to each party a free
passage across the portages on both sides, it is agreed that
this exemption from duty shall extend only to such goods as are
carried in the usual and direct road across the portage, and are
not attempted to be in any manner sold or exchanged during their
passage across the same, and proper regulations may be
established to prevent the possibility of any frauds in this
As this article is intended to render in a great degree the
local advantages of each party common to both, and thereby to
promote a disposition favorable to friendship and good
neighborhood, it is agreed that the respective Governments will
mutually promote this amicable intercourse, by causing speedy
and impartial justice to be done, and necessary protection to be
extended to all who may be concerned therein.
Whereas it is uncertain whether the river Mississippi extends so
far to the northward as to be intersected by a line to be drawn
due west from the Lake of the Woods, in the manner mentioned in
the Treaty of peace between His Majesty and the United States:
it is agreed that measures shall be taken in concert between His
Majesty's Government in America and the Government of the United
States, for making a joint survey of the said river from one
degree of latitude below the falls of St. Anthony, to the
principal source or sources of the said river, and also of the
parts adjacent thereto; and that if, on the result of such
survey, it should appear that the said river would not be
intersected by such a line as is above mentioned, the two
parties will thereupon proceed, by amicable negotiation, to
regulate the boundary line in that quarter, as well as all other
points to be adjusted between the said parties, according to
justice and mutual convenience, and in conformity to the intent
of the said Treaty.
Whereas doubts have arisen what river was truly intended under
the name of the river St. Croix, mentioned in the said Treaty of
peace, and forming a part of the boundary therein described;
that question shall be referred to the final decision of
commissioners to be appointed in the following manner. viz.: One
commissioner shall be named by His Majesty, and one by the
President of the United States, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate thereof, and the said two commissioners
shall agree on the choice of a third; or if they cannot so
agree, they shall each propose one person, and of the two names
so proposed, one shall be drawn by lot in the presence of the
two original Commissioners.
And the three Commissioners so appointed shall be sworn,
impartially to examine and decide the said question, according
to such evidence as shall respectively be laid before them on
the part of the British Government and of the United States. The
said Commissioners shall meet at Halifax, and shall have power
to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think
fit. They shall have power to appoint a Secretary, and to employ
such surveyors or other persons as they shall judge necessary.
The said Commissioners shall, by a declaration, under their
hands and seals, decide what river is the river St. Croix,
intended by the Treaty. The said declaration shall contain a
description of the said river, and shall particularize the
latitude and longitude of its mouth and of its source.
Duplicates of this declaration and of the statements of their
accounts, and of the journal of their proceedings, shall be
delivered by them to the agent of His Majesty, and to the agent
of the United States, who may be respectively appointed and
authorized to manage the business on behalf of the respective
And both parties agree to consider such decision as final and
conclusive, so as that the same shall never thereafter be called
into question, or made the subject of dispute or difference
between them.
Whereas it is alleged by divers British merchants and others His
Majesty's subjects, that debts, to a considerable amount, which
were bona fide contracted before the peace, still remain owing
to them by citizens or inhabitants of the United States, and
that by the operation of various lawful impediments since the
peace, not only the full recovery of the said debts has been
delayed, but also the value and security thereof have been, in
several instances, impaired and lessened, so that, by the
ordinary course of judicial proceedings, the British creditors
cannot now obtain, and actually have and receive full and
adequate compensation for the losses and damages which they have
thereby sustained: It is agreed, that in all such cases, where
full compensation for such losses and damages cannot, for
whatever reason, be actually obtained, had and received by the
said creditors in the ordinary course of justice, the United
States will make full and complete compensation for the same to
the said creditors: But it is distinctly understood, that this
provision is to extend to such losses only as have been
occasioned by the lawful impediments aforesaid, and is not to
extend to losses occasioned by such insolvency of the debtors or
other causes as would equally have operated to produce such
loss, if the said impediments had not existed; nor to such
losses or damages as have been occasioned by the manifest delay
or negligence, or wilful omission of the claimant.
For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of any such losses
and damages, five Commissioners shall be appointed and
authorized to meet and act in manner following, viz.: Two of
them shall be appointed by His Majesty, two of them by the
President of the United States by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate thereof, and the fifth by the unanimous
voice of the other four; and if they should not agree in such
choice, then the Commissioners named by the two parties shall
respectively propose one person, and of the two names so
proposed, one shall be drawn by lot, in the presence of the four
original Commissioners. When the five Commissioners thus
appointed shall first meet, they shall, before they proceed to
act, respectively take the following oath, or affirmation, in
the presence of each other; which oath, or affirmation, being so
taken and duly attested, shall be entered on the record of their
proceedings, viz.: I, A. B., one of the Commissioners appointed
in pursuance of the sixth article of the Treaty of Amity,
Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the
United States of America, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will honestly, diligently, impartially and carefully examine,
and to the best of my judgment, according to justice and equity,
decide all such complaints, as under the said article shall be
preferred to the said Commissioners: and that I will forbear to
act as a Commissioner, in any case in which I may be personally
Three of the said Commissioners shall constitute a board, and
shall have power to do any act appertaining to the said
Commission, provided that one of the Commissioners named on each
side, and the fifth Commissioner shall be present, and all
decisions shall be made by the majority of the voices of the
Commissioners than present. Eighteen months from the day on
which the said Commissioners shall form a board, and be ready to
proceed to business, are assigned for receiving complaints and
applications; but they are nevertheless authorized, in any
particular cases in which it shall appear to them to be
reasonable and just, to extend the said term of eighteen months
for any term not exceeding six months, after the expiration
thereof. The said Commissioners shall first meet at
Philadelphia, but they shall have power to adjourn from place to
place as they shall see cause.
The said Commissioners in examining the complaints and
applications so preferred to them, are empowered and required in
pursuance of the true intent and meaning of this article to take
into their consideration all claims, whether of principal or
interest, or balances of principal and interest and to determine
the same respectively, according to the merits of the several
cases, due regard being had to all the circumstances thereof,
and as equity and justice shall appear to them to require. And
the said Commissioners shall have power to examine all such
persons as shall come before them on oath or affirmation,
touching the premises; and also to receive in evidence,
according as they may think most consistent with equity and
justice, all written depositions, or books, or papers, or
copies, or extracts thereof, every such deposition, book, or
paper, or copy, or extract, being duly authenticated either
according to the legal form now respectively existing in the two
countries, or in such other manner as the said Commissioners
shall see cause to require or allow.
The award of the said Commissioners, or of any three of them as
aforesaid, shall in all cases be final and conclusive both as to
the justice of the claim, and to the amount of the sum to be
paid to the creditor or claimant; and the United States
undertake to cause the sum so awarded to be paid in specie to
such creditor or claimant without deduction; and at such time or
times and at such place or places, as shall be awarded by the
said Commissioners; and on condition of such releases or
assignments to be given by the creditor or claimant, as by the
said Commissioners may be directed: Provided always, that no
such payment shall be fixed by the said Commissioners to take
place sooner than twelve months from the day of the exchange of
the ratifications of this Treaty.
Whereas complaints have been made by divers merchants and
others, citizens of the United States, that during the course of
the war in which His Majesty is now engaged, they have sustained
considerable losses and damage, by reason of irregular or
illegal captures or condemnations of their vessels and other
property, under color of authority or commissions from His
Majesty, and that from various circumstances belonging to the
said cases, adequate compensation for the losses and damages so
sustained cannot now be actually obtained, had, and received by
the ordinary course of judicial proceedings; it is agreed, that
in all such cases, where adequate compensation cannot, for
whatever reason, be now actually obtained, had, and received by
the said merchants and others, in the ordinary course of
justice, full and complete compensation for the same will be
made by the British Government to the said complainants.
But it is distinctly understood that this provision is not to
extend to such losses or damages as have been occasioned by the
manifest delay or negligence, or wilful omission of the
That for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of any such
losses and damages, five Commissioners shall be appointed and
authorized to act in London, exactly in the manner directed with
respect to those mentioned in the preceding article, and after
having taken the same oath or affirmation, (mutatis mutandis,)
the same term of eighteen months is also assigned for the
reception of claims, and they are in like manner authorized to
extend the same in particular cases. They shall receive
testimony, books, papers and evidence in the same latitude, and
exercise the like discretion and powers respecting that subject;
and shall decide the claims in question according to the merits
of the several cases, and to justice, equity and the laws of
nations. The award of the said Commissioners, or any such three
of them as aforesaid, shall in all cases be final and
conclusive, both as to the justice of the claim, and the amount
of the sum to be paid to the claimant; and His Britannic Majesty
undertakes to cause the same to be paid to such claimant in
specie, without any deduction, at such place or places, and at
such time or times, as shall be awarded by the said
Commissioners, and on condition of such releases or assignments
to be given by the claimant, as by the said Commissioners may be
And whereas certain merchants and others, His Majesty's
subjects, complain that, in the course of the war, they have
sustained loss and damage by reason of the capture of their
vessels and merchandise, taken within the limits and
jurisdiction of the States and brought into the ports of the
same, or taken by vessels originally armed in ports of the said
It is agreed that in all such cases where restitution shall not
have been made agreeably to the tenor of the letter from Mr.
Jefferson to Mr. Hammond, dated at Philadelphia, September 5,
1793, a copy of which is annexed to this Treaty; the complaints
of the parties shall be and hereby are referred to the
Commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this article, who are
hereby authorized and required to proceed in the like manner
relative to these as to the other cases committed to them; and
the United States undertake to pay to the complainants or
claimants in specie, without deduction, the amount of such sums
as shall be awarded to them respectively by the said
Commissioners, and at the times and places which in such awards
shall be specified; and on condition of such releases or
assignments to be given by the claimants as in the said awards
may be directed: And it is further agreed, that not only the now
existing cases of both descriptions, but also all such as shall
exist at the time of exchanging the ratifications of this
Treaty, shall be considered as being within the provisions,
intent and meaning of this article.
It is further agreed that the Commissioners mentioned in this
and in the two preceding articles shall be respectively paid in
such manner as shall be agreed between the two parties such
agreement being to be settled at the time of the exchange of the
ratifications of this Treaty. And all other expenses attending
the said Commissions shall be defrayed jointly by the two
parties, the same being previously ascertained and allowed by
the majority of the Commissioners.
And in the case of death, sickness or necessary absence, the
place of every such Commissioner respectively shall be supplied
in the same manner as such Commissioner was first appointed, and
the new Commissioners shall take the same oath or affirmation
and do the same duties.
It is agreed that British subjects who now hold lands in the
territories of the United States, and American citizens who now
hold lands in the dominions of His Majesty, shall continue to
hold them according to the nature and tenure of their respective
estates and titles therein; and may grant, sell or devise the
same to whom they please, in like manner as if they were natives
and that neither they nor their heirs or assigns shall, so far
as may respect the said lands and the legal remedies incident
thereto, be regarded as aliens.
Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to
individuals of the other, nor shares, nor monies, which they may
have in the public funds, or in the public or private banks,
shall ever in any event of war or national differences be
sequestered or confiscated, it being unjust and impolitic that
debts and engagements contracted and made by individuals having
confidence in each other and in their respective Governments,
should ever be destroyed or impaired by national authority on
account of national differences and discontents.
It is agreed between His Majesty and the United States of
America, that there shall be a reciprocal and entirely perfect
liberty of navigation and commerce between their respective
people, in the manner, under the limitations, and on the
conditions specified in the following articles.
His Majesty consents that it shall and may be lawful, during the
time hereinafter limited, for the citizens of the United States
to carry to any of His Majesty's islands and ports in the West
Indies from the United States, in their own vessels, not being
above the burthen of seventy tons, any goods or merchandizes,
being of the growth, manufacture or produce of the said States,
which it is or may be lawful to carry to the said islands or
ports from the said States in British vessels; and that the said
American vessels shall be subject there to no other or higher
tonnage duties or charges than shall be payable by British
vessels in the ports of the United States; and that the cargoes
of the said American vessels shall be subject there to no other
or higher duties or charges than shall be payable on the like
articles if imported there from the said States in British
And His Majesty also consents that it shall be lawful for the
said American citizens to purchase, load and carry away in their
said vessels to the United States, from the said islands and
ports, all such articles, being of the growth, manufacture or
produce of the said islands, as may now by law be carried from
thence to the said States in British vessels, and subject only
to the same duties and charges on exportation, to which British
vessels and their cargoes are or shall be subject in similar
Provided always, that the said American vessels do carry and
land their cargoes in the United States only, it being expressly
agreed and declared that, during the continuance of this
article, the United States will prohibit and restrain the
carrying any molasses, sugar, coffee, cocoa or cotton in
American vessels, either from His Majesty's islands or from the
United States to any part of the world except the United States,
reasonable seastores excepted.
Provided, also, that it shall and may be lawful, during the same
period, for British vessels to import from the said islands into
the United States, and to export from the United States to the
said islands, all articles whatever, being of the growth,
produce or manufacture of the said islands, or of the United
States respectively, which now may, by the laws of the said
States, be so imported and exported. And that the cargoes of the
said British vessels shall be subject to no other or higher
duties or charges, than shall be payable on the same articles if
so imported or exported in American vessels.
It is agreed that this article, and every matter and thing
therein contained, shall continue to be in force during the
continuance of the war in which His Majesty is now engaged; and
also for two years from and after the date of the signature of
the preliminary or other articles of peace, by which the same
may be terminated.
And it is further agreed that, at the expiration of the said
term, the two contracting parties will endeavour further to
regulate their commerce in this respect, according to the
situation in which His Majesty may then find himself with
respect to the West Indies, and with a view to such arrangements
as may best conduce to the mutual advantage and extension of
commerce. And the said parties will then also renew their
discussions, and endeavour to agree, whether in any and what
cases, neutral vessels shall protect enemy's property; and in
what cases provisions and other articles, not generally
contraband, may become such. But in the mean time, their conduct
towards each other in these respects shall be regulated by the
articles hereinafter inserted on those subjects.
His Majesty consents that the vessels belonging to the citizens
of the United States of America shall be admitted and hospitably
received in all the seaports and harbors of the British
territories in the East Indies. And that the citizens of the
said United States may freely carry on a trade between the said
territories and the said United States, in all articles of which
the importation or exportation respectively, to or from the said
territories, shall not be entirely prohibited. Provided only,
that it shall not be lawful for them in any time of war between
the British Government and any other Power or State whatever, to
export from the said territories, without the special permission
of the British Government there, any military stores, or naval
stores, or rice. The citizens of the United States shall pay for
their vessels when admitted into the said ports no other or
higher tonnage duty than shall be payable on British vessels
when admitted into the ports of the United States. And they
shall pay no other or higher duties or charges, on the
importation or exportation of the cargoes of the said vessels,
than shall be payable on the same articles when imported or
exported in British vessels. But it is expressly agreed that the
vessels of the United States shall not carry any of the articles
exported by them from the said British territories to any port
or place, except to some port or place in America, where the
same shall be unladen and such regulations shall be adopted by
both parties as shall from time to time be found necessary to
enforce the due and faithful observance of this stipulation. It
is also understood that the permission granted by this article
is not to extend to allow the vessels of the United States to
carry on any part of the coasting trade of the said British
territories; but vessels going with their original cargoes, or
part thereof, from one port of discharge to another, are not to
be considered as carrying on the coasting trade. Neither is this
article to be construed to allow the citizens of the said States
to settle or reside within the said territories, or to go into
the interior parts thereof, without the permission of the
British Government established there; and if any transgression
should be attempted against the regulations of the British
Government in this respect, the observance of the same shall and
may be enforced against the citizens of America in the same
manner as against British subjects or others transgressing the
same rule. And the citizens of the United States, whenever they
arrive in any port or harbour in the said territories, or if
they should be permitted, in manner aforesaid, to go to any
other place therein, shall always be subject to the laws,
government and jurisdiction of what nature established in such
harbor, port pr place, according as the same may be. The
citizens of the United States may also touch for refreshment at
the island of St. Helena, but subject in all respects to such
regulations as the British Government may from time to time
establish there.
There shall be between all the dominions of His Majesty in
Europe and the territories of the United States a reciprocal and
perfect liberty of commerce and navigation. The people and
inhabitants of the two countries, respectively, shall have
liberty freely and securely, and without hindrance and
molestation, to come with their ships and cargoes to the lands,
countries, cities, ports, places and rivers within the dominions
and territories aforesaid, to enter into the same, to resort
there, and to remain and reside there, without any limitation of
time. Also to hire and possess houses and warehouses for the
purposes of their commerce, and generally the merchants and
traders on each side shall enjoy the most complete protection
and security for their commerce; but subject always as to what
respects this article to the laws and statutes of the two
countries respectively.
It is agreed that no other or high duties shall be paid by the
ships or merchandise of the one party in the ports of the other
than such as are paid by the like vessels or merchandize of all
other nations. Nor shall any other or higher duty be imposed in
one country on the importation of any articles the growth,
produce or manufacture of the other, than are or shall be
payable on the importation of the like articles being of the
growth, produce or manufacture of any other foreign country. Nor
shall any prohibition be imposed on the exportation or
importation of any articles to or from the territories of the
two parties respectively, which shall not equally extend to all
other nations.
But the British Government reserves to itself the right of
imposing on American vessels entering into the British ports in
Europe a tonnage duty equal to that which shall be payable by
British vessels in the ports of America; and also such duty as
may be adequate to countervail the difference of duty now
payable on the importation of European and Asiatic goods, when
imported into the United States in British or in American
The two parties agree to treat for the more exact equalization
of the duties on the respective navigation of their subjects and
people, in such manner as may be most beneficial to the two
The arrangements for this purpose shall be made at the same time
with those mentioned at the conclusion of the twelfth article of
this Treaty, and are to be considered as a part thereof. In the
interval it is agreed that the United States will not impose any
new or additional tonnage duties on British vessels, nor
increase the nowsubsisting difference between the duties payable
on the importation of any articles in British or in American
It shall be free for the two contracting parties, respectively,
to appoint Consuls for the protection of trade, to reside in the
dominions and territories aforesaid; and the said Consuls shall
enjoy those liberties and rights which belong to them by reason
of their function. But before any Consul shall act as such, he
shall be in the usual forms approved and admitted by the party
to whom he is sent; and it is hereby declared to be lawful and
proper that, in case of illegal or improper conduct towards the
laws or Government, a Consul may either be punished according to
law, if the laws will reach the case, or be dismissed, or even
sent back, the offended Government assigning to the other their
reasons for the same.
Either of the parties may except from the residence of Consuls
such particular places as such party shall judge proper to be so
It is agreed that in all cases where vessels shall be captured
or detained on just suspicion of having on board enemy's
property, or of carrying to the enemy any of the articles which
are contraband of war, the said vessels shall be brought to the
nearest or most convenient port; and if any property of an enemy
should be found on board such vessel, that part only which
belongs to the enemy shall be made prize, and the vessel shall
be at liberty to proceed with the remainder without any
impediment. And it is agreed that all proper measures shall be
taken to prevent delay in deciding the cases of ships or cargoes
so brought in for adjudication, and in the payment or recovery
of any indemnification, adjudged or agreed to be paid to the
masters or owners of such ships.
In order to regulate what is in future to be esteemed contraband
of war, it is agreed that under the said denomination shall be
comprised all arms and implements serving for the purposes of
war, by land or sea, such as cannon, muskets, mortars, petards,
bombs, grenades, carcasses, saucisses, carriages for cannon,
musketrests, bandoliers, gunpowder, match, saltpetre, ball,
pikes, swords, headpieces, cuirasses, halberts, lances,
javelins, horsefurniture, holsters, belts, and generally all
other implements of war, as also timber for shipbuilding, tar or
rozin, copper in sheets, sails, hemp, and cordage, and generally
whatever may serve directly to the equipment of vessels,
unwrought iron and fir planks only excepted, and all the above
articles are hereby declared to be just objects of confiscation
whenever they are attempted to be carried to an enemy.
And whereas the difficulty of agreeing on the precise cases in
which alone provisions and other articles not generally
contraband may be regarded as such, renders it expedient to
provide against the inconveniences and misunderstandings which
might thence arise: It is further agreed that whenever any such
articles so becoming contraband, according to the existing laws
of nations, shall for that reason be seized, the same shall not
be confiscated, but the owners thereof shall be speedily and
completely indemnified; and the captors, or, in their default,
the Government under whose authority they act, shall pay to the
masters or owners of such vessels the full value of all such
articles, with a reasonable mercantile profit thereon, together
with the freight, and also the demurrage incident to such
And whereas it frequently happens that vessels sail for a port
or place belonging to an enemy without knowing that the same is
either besieged, blockaded or invested, it is agreed that every
vessel so circumstanced may be turned away from such port or
place; but she shall not be detained, nor her cargo, if not
contraband, be confiscated, unless after notice she shall again
attempt to enter, but she shall be permitted to go to any other
port or place she may think proper; nor shall any vessel or
goods of either party that may have entered into such port or
place before the same was besieged, blockaded, or invested by
the other, and be found thereinafter the reduction or surrender
of such place, be liable to confiscation, but shall be restored
to the owners or proprietors there.
And that more abundant care may be taken for the security of the
respective subjects and citizens of the contracting parties, and
to prevent their suffering injuries by the menofwar, or
privateers of either party, all commanders of ships of war and
privateers, and all others the said subjects and citizens, shall
forbear doing any damage to those of the other party or
committing any outrage against them, and if they act to the
contrary they shall be punished, and shall also be bound in
their persons and estates to make satisfaction and reparation
for all damages, and the interest thereof, of whatever nature
the said damages may be.
For this cause, all commanders of privateers, before they
receive their commissions, shall hereafter be obliged to give,
before a competent judge, sufficient security by at least two
responsible sureties, who have no interest in the said
privateer, each of whom, together with the said commander, shall
be jointly and severally bound in the sum of fifteen hundred
pounds sterling, or, if such ships be provided with above one
hundred and fifty seamen or soldiers, in the sum of three
thousand pounds sterling, to satisfy all damages and injuries
which the said privateer, or her officers or men, or any of
them, may do or commit during their cruise contrary to the tenor
of this Treaty, or to the laws and instructions for regulating
their conduct; and further, that in all cases of aggressions the
said commissions shall be revoked and annulled.
It is also agreed that whenever a judge of a court of admiralty
of either of the parties shall pronounce sentence against any
vessel or goods or property belonging to the subjects or
citizens of the other party, a formal and duly authenticated
copy of all the proceedings in the cause, and of the said
sentence, shall, if required, be delivered to the commander of
the said vessel, without the smallest delay, he paying all legal
fees and demands for the same.
It is further agreed that both the said contracting parties
shall not only refuse to receive any pirates into any of their
ports, havens or towns, or permit any of their inhabitants to
receive, protect, harbor, conceal or assist them in any manner,
but will bring to condign punishment all such inhabitants as
shall be guilty of such acts or offences.
And all their ships, with the goods or merchandizes taken by
them and brought into the port of either of the said parties,
shall be seized as far as they can be discovered, and shall be
restored to the owners, or their factors or agents, duly deputed
and authorized in writing by them (proper evidence being first
given in the court of admiralty for proving the property) even
in case such effects should have passed into other hands by
sale, if it be proved that the buyers knew or had good reason to
believe or suspect that they had been piratically taken.
It is likewise agreed that the subjects and citizens of the two
nations shall not do any acts of hostility or violence against
each other, nor accept commissions or instructions so to act
from any foreign Prince or State, enemies to the other party;
nor shall the enemies of one of the parties be permitted to
invite, or endeavor to enlist in their military service, any of
the subjects or citizens of the other party; and the laws
against all such offences and aggressions shall be punctually
executed. And if any subject or citizen of the said parties
respectively shall accept any foreign commission or letters of
marque for arming any vessel to act as a privateer against the
other party, and be taken by the other party, it is hereby
declared to be lawful for the said party to treat and punish the
said subject or citizen having such commission or letters of
marque as a pirate.
It is expressly stipulated that neither of the said contracting
parties will order or authorize any acts of reprisal against the
other, on complaints of injuries or damages, until the said
party shall first have presented to the other a statement
thereof, verified by competent proof and evidence, and demanded
justice and satisfaction, and the same shall either have been
refused or unreasonably delayed.
The ships of war of each of the contracting parties shall, at
all times, be hospitably received in the ports of the other,
their officers and crews paying due respect to the laws and
Government of the country. The officers shall be treated with
that respect which is due to the commissions which they bear,
and if any insult should be offered to them by any of the
inhabitants, all offenders in this respect shall be punished as
disturbers of the peace and amity between the two countries. And
His Majesty consents that in case an American vessel should, by
stress of weather, danger from enemies, or other misfortune, be
reduced to the necessity of seeking shelter in any of His
Majesty's ports, into which such vessel could not in ordinary
cases claim to be admitted, she shall, on manifesting that
necessity to the satisfaction of the Government of the place, be
hospitably received, and be permitted to refit and to purchase
at the market price such necessaries as she may stand in need
of, conformably to such orders and regulations at the Government
of the place, having respect to the circumstances of each case,
shall prescribe. She shall not be allowed to break bulk or
unload her cargo, unless the same should be bona fide necessary
to her being refitted. Nor shall be permitted to sell any part
of her cargo, unless so much only as may be necessary to defray
her expences, and then not without the express permission of the
Government of the place. Nor shall she be obliged to pay any
duties whatever, except only on such articles as she may be
permitted to sell for the purpose aforesaid.
It shall not be lawful for any foreign privateers (not being
subjects or citizens of either of the said parties) who have
commissions from any other Prince or State in enmity with either
nation to arm their ships in the ports of either of the said
parties, nor to sell what they have taken, nor in any other
manner to exchange the same; nor shall they be allowed to
purchase more provisions than shall be necessary for their going
to the nearest port of that Prince or State from whom they
obtained their commissions.
It shall be lawful for the ships of war and privateers belonging
to the said parties respectively to carry whithersoever they
please the ships and goods taken from their enemies, without
being obliged to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty,
or to any judges whatever; nor shall the said prizes, when they
arrive at and enter the ports of the said parties, be detained
or seized, neither shall the searchers or other officers of
those places visit such prizes, (except for the purpose of
preventing the carrying of any of the cargo thereof on shore in
any manner contrary to the established laws of revenue,
navigation, or commerce,) nor shall such officers take
cognizance of the validity of such prizes; but they shall be at
liberty to hoist sail and depart as speedily as may be, and
carry their said prizes to the place mentioned in their
commissions or patents, which the commanders of the said ships
of war or privateers shall be obliged to show. No shelter or
refuge shall be given in their ports to such as have made a
prize upon the subjects or citizens of either of the said
parties; but if forced by stress of weather, or the dangers of
the sea, to enter therein, particular care shall be taken to
hasten their departure, and to cause them to retire as soon as
possible. Nothing in this Treaty contained shall, however, be
construed or operate contrary to former and existing public
treaties with other sovereigns or States. But the two parties
agree that while they continue in amity neither of them will in
future make any treaty that shall be inconsistent with this or
the preceding article.
Neither of the said parties shall permit the ships or goods
belonging to the subjects or citizens of the other to be taken
within cannon shot of the coast, nor in any of the bays, ports
or rivers of their territories, by ships of war or others having
commission from any Prince, Republic or State whatever. But in
case it should so happen, the party whose territorial rights
shall thus have been violated shall use his utmost endeavors to
obtain from the offending party full and ample satisfaction for
the vessel or vessels so taken, whether the same be vessels of
war or merchant vessels.
If at any time a rupture should take place (which God forbid)
between His Majesty and the United States, and merchants and
others of each of the two nations residing in the dominions of
the other shall have the privilege of remaining and continuing
their trade, so long as they behave peaceably and commit no
offence against the laws; and in case their conduct should
render them suspected, and the respective Governments should
think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve months
from the publication of the order shall be allowed them for that
purpose, to remove with their families, effects and property,
but this favor shall not be extended to those who shall act
contrary to the established laws; and for greater certainty, it
is declared that such rupture shall not be deemed to exist while
negociations for accommodating differences shall be depending,
nor until the respective Ambassadors or Ministers, if such there
shall be, shall be recalled or sent home on account of such
differences, and not on account of personal misconduct,
according to the nature and degrees of which both parties retain
their rights, either to request the recall, or immediately to
send home the Ambassador or Minister of the other, and that
without prejudice to their mutual friendship and good
It is further agreed that His Majesty and the United States, on
mutual requisitions, by them respectively, or by their
respective Ministers or officers authorized to make the same,
will deliver up to justice all persons who, being charged with
murder or forgery, committed within the jurisdiction of either,
shall seek an asylum within any of the countries of the other,
provided that this shall only be done on such evidence of
criminality as, according to the laws of the place, where the
fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his
apprehension and commitment for trial, if the offence had there
been committed. The expence of such apprehension and delivery
shall be borne and defrayed by those who made the requisition
and receive the fugitive.
It is agreed that the first ten articles of this Treaty shall be
permanent, and that the subsequent articles, except the twelfth,
shall be limited in their duration to twelve years, to be
computed from the day on which the ratifications of this Treaty
shall be exchanged, but subject to this condition. That whereas
the said twelfth article will expire by the limitation therein
contained, at the end of two years from the signing of the
preliminary or other articles of peace, which shall terminate
the present war in which His Majesty is engaged, it is agreed
that proper measures shall by concert be taken for bringing the
subject of that article into amicable Treaty and discussion, so
early before the expiration of the said term as that new
arrangements on that head may by that time be perfected and
ready to take place. But if it should unfortunately happen that
His Majesty and the United States should not be able to agree on
such new arrangements, in that case all the articles of this
Treaty, except the first ten, shall then cease and expire
Lastly. This Treaty, when the same shall have been ratified by
His Majesty and by the President of the United States, by and
with the advice and consent of their Senate, and the respective
ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be binding and
obligatory on His Majesty and on the said States, and shall be
by them respectively executed and observed with punctuality and
the most sincere regard to good faith; and whereas it will be
expedient, in order the better to facilitate intercourse and
obviate difficulties, that other articles be proposed and added
to this Treaty, which articles, from want of time and other
circumstances, cannot now be perfected, it is agreed that the
said parties will, from time to time, readily treat of and
concerning such articles, and will sincerely endeavor so to form
them as that they may conduce to mutual convenience and tend to
promote mutual satisfaction and friendship; and that the said
articles, after having been duly ratified, shall be added to and
make a part of this Treaty. In faith whereof we, the undersigned
Ministers Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Great
Britain and the United States of America, have singed this
present Treaty, and have caused to be affixed thereto the seal
of our arms.
Done at London this nineteenth day of November, one thousand
seven hundred and ninetyfour.
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hammond.
PHILADELPHIA, September 5, 1793.
Sir: I am honored with yours of August 30. Mine of the 7th of
that month assured you that measures were taken for excluding
from all further asylum in our ports vessels armed in them to
cruise on nations with which we are at peace, and for the
restoration of the prizes the Lovely Lass, Prince William Henry,
and the Jane of Dublin; and that should the measures for
restitution fail in their effect, the President considered it as
incumbent on the United States to make compensation for the
We are bound by our treaties with three of the belligerent
nations, by all the means in our power, to protect and defend
their vessels and effects in our ports, or waters, or on the
seas near our shores, and to recover and restore the same to the
right owners when taken from them. If all the means in our power
are used, and fail in their effect, we are not bound by our
treaties with those nations to make compensation.
Though we have no similar treaty with Great Britain, it was the
opinion of the President that we should use towards that nation
the same rule which, under this article, was to govern us with
the other nations; and even to extend it to captures made on the
high seas and brought into our ports f done by vessels which had
been armed within them.
Having, for particular reasons, forbore to use all the means in
our power for the restitution of the three vessels mentioned in
my letter of August 7th, the President thought it incumbent on
the United States to make compensation for them; and though
nothing was said in that letter of other vessels taken under
like circumstances, and brought in after the 5th of June, and
before the date of that letter, yet when the same forbearance
had taken place, it was and is his opinion, that compensation
would be equally due.
As to prizes made under the same circumstances, and brought in
after the date of that letter, the President determined that all
the means in our power should be used for their restitution. If
these fail, as we should not be bound by our treaties to make
compensation to the other Powers in the analogous case, he did
not mean to give an opinion that it ought to be done to Great
Britain. But still, if any cases shall arise subsequent to that
date, the circumstances of which shall place them on similar
ground with those before it, the President would think
compensation equally incumbent on the United States.
Instructions are given to the Governors of the different States
to use all the means in their power for restoring prizes of this
last description found within their ports. Though they will, of
course, take measures to be infomed of them, and the General
Government has given them the aid of the customhouse officers
for this purpose, yet you will be sensible of the importance of
multiplying the channels of their infomation as far as shall
depend on yourself, or any person under your direction, or order
that the Governors may use the means in their power for making
Without knowledge of the capture they cannot restore it. It will
always be best to give the notice to them directly; but any
information which you shall be pleased to send to me also, at
any time, shall be forwarded to them as quickly as distance will
Hence you will perceive, sir, that the President contemplates
restitution or compensation in the case before the 7th of
August; and after that date, restitution if it can be effected
by any means in our power. And that it will be important that
you should substantiate the fact that such prizes are in our
ports or waters.
Your list of the privateers illicitly armed in our ports is, I
believe, correct.
With respect to losses by detention, waste, spoilation sustained
by vessels taken as before mentioned, between the dates of June
5th and August 7th, it is proposed as a provisional measure that
the Collector of the Customs of the district, and the British
Consul, or any other person you please, shall appoint persons to
establish the value of the vessel and cargo at the time of her
capture and of her arrival in the port into which she is
brought, according to their value in that port. If this shall be
agreeable to you, and you will be pleased to signify it to me,
with the names of the prizes understood to be of this
description, instructions will be given accordingly to the
Collector of the Customs where the respective vessels are.
I have the honor to be, &c., TH: JEFFERSON. GEO: HAMMOND,
It is further agreed, between the said contracting parties, that
the operation of so much of the twelfth article of the said
Treaty as respects the trade which his said Majesty thereby
consents may be carried on between the United States and his
islands in the West Indies, in the manner and on the terms and
conditions therein specified, shall be suspended.
Concluded May 4, 1796; Ratification advised by Senate May 9,
Whereas by the third article of the Treaty of amity, commerce
and navigation, concluded at London on the nineteenth day of
November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, between
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, it was
agreed that is should at all times be free to His Majesty's
subjects and to the citizens of the United States, and also to
the Indians dwelling on either side of the boundary line,
assigned by the Treaty of peace to the United States, freely to
pass and repass, by land or inland navigation, into the
respective territories and countries of the two contracting
parties, on the continent of America, (the country within the
limits of the Hudson's Bay Company only excepted,) and to
navigate all the lakes, rivers, and waters thereof, and freely
to carry on trade and commerce with each other, subject to the
provisions and limitations contained in the said article: And
whereas by the eighth article of the Treaty of peace and
friendship concluded at Greenville on the third day of August,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, between the United
States and the nations or tribes of Indians called the Wyandots,
Delawares, Shawanoes, Ottawas, Chippewas, Putawatimies, Miamis,
Eel River, Weeas, Kickapoos, Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias, it was
stipulated that no person should be permitted to reside at any
of the towns or the hunting camps of the said Indian tribes, as
a trader, who is not furnished with a licence for that purpose
under the authority of the United States: Which latter
stipulation has excited doubts, whether in its operation it may
not interfere with the due execution of the third article of the
Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation: And it being the
sincere desire of His Britannic Majesty and of the United States
that this point should be so explained as to remove all doubts
and promote mutual satisfaction and friendship: And for this
purpose His Britannic Majesty having named for his Commissioner,
Phineas Bond, Esquire, His Majesty's ConsulGeneral for the
Middle and Southern States of America, (and now His Majesty's
Chargé d'Affaires to the United States,) and the
President of the United States having named for their
Commissioner, Timothy Pickering, Esquire, Secretary of State of
the United States, to whom, agreeably to the laws of the United
States, he has intrusted this negotiation: They, the said
Commissioners, having communicated to each other their full
powers, have, in virtue of the same, and conformably to the
spirit of the last article of the said Treaty of amity, commerce
and navigation, entered into this explanatory article, and do by
these presents explicitly agree and declare, that no
stipulations in any treaty subsequently concluded by either of
the contracting parties with any other State or nation, or with
any Indian tribe, can be understood to derogate in any manner
from the rights of free intercourse and commerce, secured by the
aforesaid third article of the Treaty of amity, commerce and
navigation, to the subjects of his Majesty and to the citizens
of the United States, and to the Indians dwelling on either side
of the boundary line aforesaid; but that all the said persons
shall remain at full liberty freely to pass and repass, by land
or inland navigation, into the respective territories and
countries of the contracting parties, on either side of the said
boundary line, and freely to carry on trade and commerce with
each other, according to the stipulations of the said third
article of the Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation.
This explanatory article, when the same shall have been ratified
by His Majesty and by the President of the United States, by and
with the advice and consent of their Senate, and the respective
ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be added to and make a
part of the said Treaty of amity commerce and navigation, and
shall be permanently binding upon His Majesty and the United
In witness whereof we, the said Commissioners of His Majesty the
King of Great Britain and the United States of America, have
signed this present explanatory article, and thereto affixed our
Done at Philadelphia this fourth day of May, in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninetysix.
Concluded March 15, 1798; Ratification advised by Senate June 5,
Whereas by the twentyeight article of the Treaty of amity,
commerce, and navigation between His Britannic Majesty and the
United States, signed at London on the nineteenth day of
November, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyfour, it was
agreed that the contracting parties would, from time to time,
readily treat of and concerning such further articles as might
be proposed; that they would sincerely endeavour so to form such
articles as that they might conduce to mutual convenience and
tend to promote mutual satisfaction and ,friendship; and that
such articles, after having been duly ratified, should be added
to and make a part of that Treaty: And whereas difficulties have
arisen with respect to the execution of so much of the fifth
article of the said Treaty as requires that the Commissioners
appointed under the same should in their description
particularize the latitude and longitude of the source of the
river which may be found to be the one truly intended in the
Treaty of peace between His Britannic Majesty and the United
States, under the name of the river St. Croix, by reason whereof
it is expedient that the said Commissioners should be released
from the obligation of conforming to the provisions of the said
article in this respect. The undersigned being respectively
named by His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America
their Plenipotentiaries for the purpose of treating of and
concluding such articles as may be proper to be added to the
said Treaty, in conformity to the above mentioned stipulation,
and having communicated to each other their respective full
powers, have agreed and concluded, and do hereby declare in the
name of His Britannic Majesty and of the United States of
America that the Commissioners appointed under the fifth article
of the above mentioned Treaty shall not be obliged to
particularize in their description, the latitude and longitude
of the source of the river which may be found to be the one
truly intended in the aforesaid Treaty of peace under the name
of the river St. Croix, but they shall be at liberty to describe
the said river, in such other manner as they may judge
expedient, which description shall be considered as a complete
execution of the duty required of the said Commissioners in this
respect by the article aforesaid. And to the end that no
uncertainty may hereafter exist on this subject, it is further
agreed, that as soon as may be after the decision of the said
Commissioners, measures shall be concerted between the
Government of the United States and His Britannic Majesty's
Governors or Lieutenant Governors in America, in order to erect
and keep in repair a suitable monument at the place ascertained
and described to be the source of the said river St. Croix,
which measures shall immediately thereupon, and as often
afterwards as may be requisite, be duly executed on both sides
with punctuality and good faith.
This explanatory article, when the same shall have been ratified
by His Majesty and by the President of the United States, by and
with the advice and consent of their Senate, and the respective
ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be added to and make a
part of the Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between
His Majesty and the United States, signed at London on the
nineteenth day of November, one thousand seven hundred and
ninetyfour, and shall be permanently binding upon His Majesty
and the United States.
In witness whereof we, the said undersigned Plenipotentiaries of
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, have
signed this present article, and have caused to be affixed
thereto the seal of our arms.
Done at London this fifteenth day of March, one thousand seven
hundred and ninetyeight.
Footnote 6:
Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the
United States of America, Concluded at Ghent, December 24, 1814;
Ratification Advised by Senate, February 16, 1815; Ratified by
President; February 17, 1815; Ratifications Exchanged at
Washington, February 17, 1815; Proclaimed, February 18, 1815.
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, desirous
of terminating the war which has unhappily subsisted between the
two countries, and of restoring, upon principles of perfect
reciprocity, peace, friendship, and good understanding between
them, have, for that purpose, appointed their respective
Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
His Britannic Majesty, on his part, has appointed the Right
Honorable James Lord Gambier, late Admiral of the White, now
Admiral of the Red Squadron of His Majesty's fleet, Henry
Goulburn, Esquire, a member of the Imperial Parliament, and
Under Secretary of State, and William Adams, Esquire, Doctor of
Civil Laws; and the President of the United States, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, has appointed John
Quincy Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, Jonathan Russell, and
Albert Gallatin, citizens of the United States; Who, after a
reciprocal communication of their respective full powers, have
agreed upon the following articles:
Article I
There shall be a firm and universal peace between His Britannic
Majesty and the United States, and between their respective
countries, territories, cities, towns, and people, of every
degree, without exception of places or persons. All hostilities,
both by sea and land, shall cease as soon as this Treaty shall
have been ratified by both parties, as hereinafter mentioned.
All territory, places, and possessions whatsoever, taken by
either party from the other during the war, or which may be
taken after the signing of this Treaty, excepting only the
islands hereinafter mentioned, shall be restored without delay,
and without causing any destruction or carrying away any of the
artillery or other public property originally captured in the
said forts or places, and which shall remain therein upon the
exchange of the ratifications of this Treaty, or any slaves or
other private property. And all archives, records, deeds, and
papers, either of a public nature or belonging to private
persons, which, in the course of the war, may have fallen into
the hands of the officers of either party, shall be, as far as
may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to the
proper authorities and persons to whom they respectively belong.
Such of the islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy as are claimed
by both parties, shall remain in the possession of the party in
whose occupation they may be at the time of the exchange of the
ratifications of this Treaty, until the decision respecting the
title to the said islands shall have been made in conformity
with the fourth article of this Treaty. No disposition made by
this Treaty as to such possession of the islands and territories
claimed by both parties shall, in any manner whatever, be
construed to affect the right of either.
Article II
Immediately after the ratifications of this Treaty by both
parties, as hereinafter mentioned, orders shall be sent to the
armies, squadrons, officers, subjects and citizens of the two
Powers to cease from all hostilities. And to prevent all causes
of complaint which might arise on account of the prizes which
may be taken at sea after the said ratifications of this Treaty,
it is reciprocally agreed that all vessels and effects which may
be taken after the space of twelve days from the said
ratifications, upon all parts of the coast of North America,
from the latitude of twenty-three degrees north to the latitude
of fifty degrees north, and as far eastward in the Atlantic
Ocean as the thirty-sixth degree of west longitude from the
meridian of Greenwich, shall be restored on each side: that the
time shall be thirty days in all other parts of the Atlantic
Ocean north of the equinoctial line or equator, and the same
time for the British and Irish Channels, for the Gulf of Mexico,
and all parts of the West Indies; forty days for the North Seas,
for the Baltic, and for all parts of the Mediterranean; sixty
days for the Atlantic Ocean south of the equator, as far as the
latitude of the Cape of Good Hope; ninety days for every other
part of the world south of the equator; and one hundred and
twenty days for all other parts of the world, without exception.
Article III
All prisoners of war taken on either side, as well by land as by
sea, shall be restored as soon as practicable after the
ratifications of this Treaty, as hereinafter mentioned, on their
paying the debts which they may have contracted during their
captivity. The two contracting parties respectively engage to
discharge, in specie, the advances which may have been made by
the other for the sustenance and maintenance of such prisoners.
Article IV
Whereas it was stipulated by the second article in the Treaty of
peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, between
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, that the
boundary of the United States should comprehend all islands
within twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United
States, and lying between lines to be drawn due east from the
points where the aforesaid boundaries, between Nova Scotia on
the one part, and East Florida on the other, shall respectively
touch the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean, excepting such
islands as now are, or heretofore have been, within the limits
of Nova Scotia; and whereas the several islands in the Bay of
Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Fundy, and the Island
of Grand Menan, in the said Bay of Fundy, are claimed by the
United States as being comprehended within their aforesaid
boundaries, which said islands are claimed as belonging to His
Britannic Majesty, as having been, at the time of and previous
to the aforesaid Treaty of one thousand seven hundred and
eighty-three, within the limits of the Province of Nova Scotia.
In order, therefore, finally to decide upon these claims, it is
agreed that they shall be referred to two Commissioners to be
appointed in the following manner, viz: One Commissioner shall
be appointed by His Britannic Majesty, and one by the President
of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate thereof; and the said two Commissioners so appointed
shall be sworn impartially to examine and decide upon the said
claims according to such evidence as shall be laid before them
on the part of His Britannic Majesty and of the United States
respectively. The said Commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews,
in the Province of New Brunswick, and shall have power to
adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think fit.
The said Commissioners shall, by a declaration or report under
their hands and seals, decide to which of the two contracting
parties the several islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in
conformity with the true intent of the said Treaty of peace of
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. And if the said
Commissioners shall agree in their decision, both parties shall
consider such decision as final and conclusive. It is further
agreed that, in the event of the two Commissioners differing
upon all or any of the matters so referred to them, or in the
event of both or either of the said Commissioners refusing, or
declining or wilfully omitting to act as such, they shall make,
jointly or separately, a report or reports, as well to the
Government of His Britannic Majesty as to that of the United
States, stating in detail the points on which they differ, and
the grounds upon which their respective opinions have been
formed, or the grounds upon which they, or either of them, have
so refused, declined, or omitted to act. And His Britannic
Majesty and the Government of the United States hereby agree to
refer the report or reports of the said Commissioners to some
friendly sovereign or State, to be then named for that purpose,
and who shall be requested to decide on the differences which
may be stated in the said report or reports, or upon the report
of one Commissioner, together with the grounds upon which the
other Commissioner shall have refused, declined, or omitted to
act, as the case may be. And if the Commissioner so refusing,
declining, or omitting to act, shall also wilfully omit to state
the grounds upon which he has so done, in such manner that the
said statement may be referred to such friendly sovereign or
State, together with the report of such other Commissioner, then
such sovereign or State shall decide ex parte upon the said
report alone. And His Britannic Majesty and the Government of
the United States engage to consider the decision of such
friendly sovereign or State to be final and conclusive on all
the matters so referred.
Article V
Whereas neither the point of the highlands lying due north from
the source of the river St. Croix, and designated in the former
Treaty of peace between the two Powers as the northwest angle of
Nova Scotia, nor the northwesternmost head of Connecticut River,
has yet been ascertained; and whereas that part of the boundary
line between the dominions of the two Powers which extends from
the source of the river St. Croix directly north to the above
mentioned north west angle of Nova Scotia, thence along the said
highlands which divide those rivers that empty themselves into
the river St. Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic
Ocean to the northwesternmost head of Connecticut River, thence
down along the middle of that river to the forty-fifth degree of
north latitude; thence by a line due west on said latitude until
it strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraquy, has not yet been
surveyed: it is agreed that for these several purposes two
Commissioners shall be appointed, sworn, and authorized to act
exactly in the manner directed with respect to those mentioned
in the next preceding article, unless otherwise specified in the
present article. The said Commissioners shall meet at St.
Andrews, in the Province of New Brunswick, and shall have power
to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think
fit. The said Commissioners shall have power to ascertain and
determine the points above mentioned, in conformity with the
provisions of the said Treaty of peace of one thousand seven
hundred and eighty-three, and shall cause the boundary
aforesaid, from the source of the river St. Croix to the river
Iroquois or Cataraquy, to be surveyed and marked according to
the said provisions. The said Commissioners shall make a map of
the said boundary, and annex to it a declaration under their
hands and seals, certifying it to be the true map of the said
boundary, and particularizing the latitude and longitude of the
northwest angle of Nova Scotia, of the northwesternmost head of
Connecticut River, and of such other points of the said boundary
as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such
map and declaration as finally and conclusively fixing the said
boundary. And in the event of the said two Commissioners
differing, or both or either of them refusing, declining, or
wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or
statements shall be made by them, or either of them, and such
reference to a friendly sovereign or State shall be made in all
respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is
contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein
Article VI
Whereas by the former Treaty of peace that portion of the
boundary of the United States from the point where the
forty-fifth degree of north latitude strikes the river Iroquois
or Cataraquy to the Lake Superior, was declared to be "along
the middle of said river into Lake Ontario, through the middle
of said lake, until it strikes the communication by water
between that lake and Lake Erie, thence along the middle of said
communication into Lake Erie, through the middle of said lake
until it arrives at the water communication into Lake Huron,
thence through the middle of said lake to the water
communication between that lake and Lake Superior;" and
whereas doubts have arisen what was the middle of the said
river, lakes, and water communications, and whether certain
islands lying in the same were within the dominions of His
Britannic Majesty or of the United States: In order, therefore,
finally to decide these doubts, they shall be referred to two
Commissioners, to be appointed, sworn, and authorized to act
exactly in the manner directed with respect to those mentioned
in the next preceding article, unless otherwise specified in
this present article. The said Commissioners shall meet, in the
first instance, at Albany, in the State of New York, and shall
have power to adjourn to such other place or places as they
shall think fit. The said Commissioners shall, by a report or
declaration, under their hands and seals, designate the boundary
through the said river, lakes, and water communications, and
decide to which of the two contracting parties the several
islands lying within the said rivers, lakes, and water
communications, do respectively belong, in conformity with the
true intent of the said Treaty of one thousand seven hundred and
eighty-three. And both parties agree to consider such
designation and decision as final and conclusive. And in the
event of the said two Commissioners differing, or both or either
of them refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such
reports, declarations, or statements shall be made by them, or
either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or
State shall be made in all respects as in the latter part of the
fourth article is contained and in as full a manner as if the
same was herein repeated.
Article VII
It is further agreed that the said two last-mentioned
Commissioners, after they shall have executed the duties
assigned to them in the preceding article, shall be, and they
are hereby, authorized upon their oaths impartially to fix and
determine, according to the true intent of the said Treaty of
peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, that part
of the boundary between the dominions of the two Powers which
extends from the water communication between Lake Huron and Lake
Superior, to the most northwestern point of the Lake of the
Woods, to decide to which of the two parties the several islands
lying in the lakes, water communications, and rivers, forming
the said boundary, do respectively belong, in conformity with
the true intent of the said Treaty of peace of one thousand
seven hundred and eighty-three; and to cause such parts of the
said boundary as require it to be surveyed and marked. The said
Commissioners shall, by a report or declaration under their
hands and seals, designate the boundary aforesaid, state their
decision on the points thus referred to them, and particularize
the latitude and longitude of the most northwestern point of the
Lake of the Woods, and of such other parts of the said boundary
as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such
designation and decision as final and conclusive. And in the
event of the said two Commissioners differing, or both or either
of them refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such
reports, declarations, or statements shall be made by them, or
either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or
state shall be made in all respects as in the latter part of the
fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the
same was herein repeated.
Article VIII
The several boards of two Commissioners mentioned in the four
preceding articles shall respectively have power to appoint a
secretary, and to employ such surveyors or other persons as they
shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all their respective
reports, declarations, statements, and decisions, and of their
accounts, and of the journal of their proceedings, shall be
delivered by them to the agents of His Britannic Majesty and to
the agents of the United States, who may be respectively
appointed and authorized to manage the business on behalf of
their respective Governments. The said Commissioners shall be
respectively paid in such manner as shall be agreed between the
two contracting parties, such agreement being to be settled at
the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this Treaty.
And all other expenses attending the said commissions shall be
defrayed equally by the two parties. And in the case of death,
sickness, resignation, or necessary absence, the place of every
such Commissioner, respectively, shall be supplied in the same
manner as such Commissioner was first appointed, and the new
Commissioner shall take the same oath or affirmation, and do the
same duties. It is further agreed between the two contracting
parties, that in case any of the islands mentioned in any of the
preceding articles, which were in the possession of one of the
parties prior to the commencement of the present war between the
two countries, should, by the decision of any of the boards of
commissioners aforesaid, or of the sovereign or State so
referred to, as in the four next preceding articles contained,
fall within the dominions of the other party, all grants of land
made previous to the commencement of the war, by the party
having had such possession, shall be as valid as if such island
or islands had, by such decision or decisions, been adjudged to
be within the dominions of the party having had such possession.
Article IX
The United States of America engage to put an end, immediately
after the ratification of the present Treaty, to hostilities
with all the tribes or nations of Indians with whom they may be
at war at the time of such ratification; and forthwith to
restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the
possessions, rights, and privileges which they may have enjoyed
or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven,
previous to such hostilities. Provided always that such tribes
or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against
the United States of America, their citizens and subjects, upon
the ratification of the present Treaty being notified to such
tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly. And his
Britannic Majesty engages, on his part, to put an end
immediately after the ratification of the present Treaty, to
hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians with whom
he may be at war at the time of such ratification, and forthwith
to restore to such tribes or nations respectively all the
possessions, rights, and privileges which they may have enjoyed
or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven,
previous to such hostilities. Provided always that such tribes
or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against
His Britannic Majesty, and his subjects, upon ratification of
the present Treaty being notified to such tribes or nations, and
shall so desist accordingly.
Article X
Whereas the traffic in slaves is irreconcilable with the
principles of humanity and justice, and whereas both His Majesty
and the United States are desirous of continuing their efforts
to promote its entire abolition, it is hereby agreed that both
the contracting parties shall use their best endeavours to
accomplish so desirable an object.
Article XI
This Treaty, when the same shall have been ratified on both
sides, without alteration by either of the contracting parties,
and the ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be binding on
both parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at
Washington, in the space of four months from this day, or sooner
if practicable.
In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have
signed this Treaty, and have thereunto affixed our seals. Done,
in triplicate, at Ghent, the twenty-fourth day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
Gambier Henry Goulburn, William Adams, John Quincy Adams, J. A.
Bayard, H. Clay, John. Russell, Albert Gallatin
Footnote 7:
These are the
words of a first-hand observer, Anthony Sherman, who was there
and describes the situation: "You doubtless heard the story of
Washington's going to the thicket to pray. Well, it is not only
true, but he used often to pray in secret for aid and comfort
from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought
us safely through the darkest days of tribulation."
"One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled
through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the
Sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the
afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a
shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind
of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he
dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in
attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour,
Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of
dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that
occurred that day."
Washington's Own Words
"`I do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my mind,
or what, but this afternoon, as I was sitting at this table
engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me.
Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful
being. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to
be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language
to inquire the cause of the visit. A second, a third, and even a
fourth time did I repeat the question, but received no answer
from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of the eyes.
"`By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I
would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me
rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to speak, but
my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.
A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took
possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly
at my unknown visitor.
"`Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed to fill with
sensations, and grew luminous. Everything about me seemed to
rarefy, the mysterious visitor also becoming more airy and yet
more distinct to my eyes than before. I began to feel as one
dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have
sometimes imagined accompany death. I did not think, I did not
reason, I did not move. All were alike impossible. I was only
conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.
"`Presently I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look
and learn," while at the same time my visitor extended an arm
eastward. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance
rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked
upon a strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain
all the countries of the world--Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America
the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay
the Pacific. "Son of the Republic,' said the same mysterious
voice as before, 'look and learn."
"`At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel,
standing, or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and
America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each
hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while
with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud
arose from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while
it seemed stationary, and then it moved slowly westward, until
it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of
lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the
smothered groans and cries of the American people.
"A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and
sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back
to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.
"`A third time I heard the mysterious visitor saying, "Son of
the Republic, look and learn," I cast my eyes upon America and
beheld villages, towns, and cities springing up one after
another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific
was dotted with them. Again, I heard the mysterious voice say,
"Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and
"`And this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward.
From Africa I saw an ill-omened specter approach our land. It
flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The
inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against
each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel on whose
brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word
"Union." He bearing the American flag. He placed the flag
between the divided nation, and said, "Remember ye are
"`Instantly, the inhabitants, casting down their weapons, became
friends once more and united around the National Standard. "`And
again I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic,
look and learn." At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a
trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking
water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and
"`Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these
countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into
one. And through this mass there gleamed a dark red light by
which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the
cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which
country was enveloped in this volume of the cloud. And I dimly
saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the
villages, towns, and cities that I beheld springing up.
"`As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing
of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal
combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the
Republic, look and learn." When the voice had ceased, the dark
shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and
blew a long fearful blast.
"`Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above
me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark clouds which
enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head
still shone the word "Union," and who bore our national flag in
one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens
attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined
the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh
overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up
their broken ranks and renewed the battle.
"Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict I heard the
mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn."
As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped
water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly
the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had
brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.
"`Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities
springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright
angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst
of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and
the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the
Union last." And taking from his brow the crown on which
blazoned the word "Union," he placed it upon the Standard while
the people kneeling down said, "Amen."
"`The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last
saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld.
This also disappeared, I found myself once more gazing upon the
mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before,
said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus
Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful
for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not
prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to
live for his God, his land and Union. With these words the
vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had
seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, progress, and
destiny of the United States."
Thus ended General George Washington's vision and prophecy for
the United States of America as told in his own words.
Footnote 8:
"In Title 1, Section 1 it
says: The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and
proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made,
or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary
of the Treasury since March 4, 1933, pursuant to the authority
conferred by subdivision (b) of section 5 of the Act of October
6, 1917, as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed."
"Section 2. Subdivision (b) of
section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917, (40 Stat. L. 411), as
amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: emergency
declared by the President, the President may, through any agency
that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or
prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe,
by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign
exchange, transfers of credit between or payments by banking
institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding,
melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or
Here is the legal phrase
subject to the jurisdiction thereof, but at law this refers to
alien enemy and also applies to Fourteenth Amendment citizens:
"As these words are used in
the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Federal
Constitution, providing for the citizenship of all persons born
or naturalized in the United States and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, the purpose would appear to have been to
exclude by the fewest words (besides children of members of the
Indian tribes, standing in a peculiar relation to the National
Government, unknown to the common Law), the two classes of
cases, children born of *ALIEN ENEMIES(emphasis mine), in
hostile occupation, and children of diplomatic representatives
of a foreign state, both of which, by the law of England and by
our own law, from the time of the first settlement of the
English colonies in America, had been recognized exceptions to
the fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the
United States v Wong Kim Ark, 169 US 649, 682, 42 L Ed 890, 902,
18 S Ct 456. Ballentine's Law Dictionary
Congressman Beck had this to say about the War Powers Act:
"I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been
suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of
emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an
emergency there is no Constitution. This means its death... But
the Constitution of the United States, as a restraining
influence in keeping the federal government within the carefully
prescribed channels of power, is moribund, if not dead. We are
witnessing its death-agonies, for when this bill becomes a law,
if unhappily it becomes law, there is no longer any workable
Constitution to keep the Congress within the limits of its
constitutional powers."
(Congressman James Beck in Congressional Record 1933)
The phrase Alien Enemy is
defined in Bouvier's Law Dictionary as: One who owes allegiance
to the adverse belligerent. 1 Kent 73. He who owes a temporary
but not a permanent allegiance is an alien enemy in respect to
acts done during such temporary allegiance only; and when his
allegiance terminates, his hostile character terminates also; 1
B. & P. 163.
Alien enemies are said to have
no rights, no privileges, unless by the king's special favor,
during time of war; 1 Bla. Com. 372; Bynkershoek 195; 8 Term
166. [Remember we've been under a declared state of war since
October 6, 1917, as amended March 9, 1933 to include every
United States citizen.]
"The phrase Alien Enemy is
defined in Words and Phrases as:
Residence of person in territory of nation at war with United
States was sufficient to characterize him as "alien enemy"
within Trading with the Enemy Act, even if he had acquired and
retained American citizenship."
Matarrese v. Matarrese, 59 A.2d 262, 265, 142 N.J. Eq. 226.
"Residence or doing business
in a hostile territory is the test of an "alien enemy: within
meaning of Trading with the Enemy Act and Executive Orders
thereunder." Executive Order March 11, 1942, No. 9095, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. Appendix 6; Trading with the Enemy Act 5
In re Oneida Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of Utica, 53 N.Y.S. 2d. 416,
420, 421, 183 Misc. 374.
"By the modern phrase, a man
who resides under the allegiance and protection of a hostile
state for commercial purposes is to be considered to all civil
purposes as much an `alien enemy' as if he were born there."
Hutchinson v. Brock, 11 Mass. 119, 122.
"The trading with the enemy
Act, originally and as amended, in strictly a war measure, and
finds its sanction in the provision empowering Congress "to
declare war, grant letters of Marque and reprisal, and make
rules concerning captures on land and water."
Stoehr v. Wallace 255 U.S.
James Montgomery
Knowledge is Freedom BBS
28,000 Baud
James Brought up the term
residence and my research has brought forth the following which
is why the gov't wants you to declare yourself as a "resident."
Resident has one purpose in tax law and commercial law. Resident
is the opposite of non-resident, "Resident" is legally defined
in United States v. Penelope, 27 Fed. Case No. 16024, which
states: "But admitting that the common acceptance of the word
and its legal technical meaning are different, we must presume
that Congress meant to adopt the latter.", page 487. "But this
is a highly penal act, and must have strict construction. * * *
The question seems to be whether they inserted 'resident'
without the legal meaning generally affixed to it. If they have
omitted to express their meaning, we cannot supply it.", page
Ask yourself this question,
has the State or United States, in their tax statutes, defined
the word "resident" in its legal technical meaning? The Penelope
Court stated the legal meaning of the term "resident" at page
489: "In the case of Hylton v. Brown [Case No. 6,981] in the
Circuit Court, and cases in this court, the following has always
been my definition of the words 'resident,' or 'inhabitant,'
which in my view, means the same thing. An inhabitant, or
resident, is a person coming into a place with an intention to
establish his domicile, or per-manent residence: under this
intention he takes a house, or lodgings, as one fixed and
stationary, and opens a store or takes any step preparatory to
do business or in execution of this settled intention."
[Emphasis added ]
The other legal definition for
"resident" can be found in Jowitt's English Law Dictionary, 1977
edition which states; "RESIDENT, An agent, minister or officer
residing in any distant place with the dignity of an ambassador:
the chief representative of government at certain princely
states; Residents are as class of public ministers inferior to
ambassadors and envoys, but, like them, they are protected under
the law of nations."
This bears out James' work
that the resident, who is a government agent, official, etc., is
doing business for the British Crown to collect the debt of
those residents who are claiming citizenship of the States or
United States because that would make them subjects liable to
pay the pecuniary contribution, disguised as a "Gross Income
Tax," to the Crown.
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